Chicago Tribune (Sunday)

When aging, your hair suffers consequenc­es

Tresses go through myriad changes as we grow older

- By Tatiana Boncompagn­i

Even as some women embrace their naturally silvering tresses — consider Miranda, in the “Sex and the City” reboot, who abandons her trademark red in favor of a sleek gray bob — laissez-faire attitude isn’t likely to extend to other changes women see in their hair as they get older.

Most people expect their hair to turn gray, but hair actually goes through myriad changes as we age, becoming less dense and more unruly, brittle and harder to grow long.

“Thick, shiny hair is a hallmark of youth,” said Dr. Erika Schwartz, an integrativ­e-medicine doctor who founded Evolved Science, a functional longevity practice in Manhattan that provides a variety of treatments to deal with thinning and lackluster locks. “Like everything else in aging, your hair suffers the consequenc­es.”

While many doctors are reporting a spike in thinning hair among patients who have had COVID-19 or are dealing with the stress of pandemic life (who isn’t?), hair loss and textural shifts related to getting older require a different approach to treat effectivel­y.

Aside from getting hair transplant­s, “you can’t just do something and stop,” said Dr. Gary Linkov, a hair restoratio­n and facial plastic surgeon in Manhattan. “You have to keep it up if you want to maintain your results.”

Here, we answer some of the most pressing questions about what’s going on with your hair.

Q: What exactly happens to hair as we get older?

A: For starters, there’s a loss of melanin, which is why hair becomes gray or white, said Dr. Marnie Nussbaum, a dermatolog­ist in Manhattan and the Hamptons. When exactly that happens is often determined by genetics, as is whether or how much the hairline recedes or, as is more common for men than women, baldness occurs. Still, for almost everyone, the growth cycle slows, resulting in a longer resting, or “telogen,” phase of hair growth.

At the same time, changes in the follicle make each individual strand of hair emerge from the scalp thinner in diameter — a process often referred to as “miniaturiz­ation.” The collective result is “overall more diffuse, thinner hair,” Nussbaum said.

But that’s not all. Hormonal shifts — specifical­ly in women, less estrogen and progestero­ne — also decrease the production of sebum, the natural emollient that coats hair and makes it appear shiny, Schwartz said. And because hair isn’t protected and moisturize­d, it is more prone to breakage and damage from heat styling and, say, coloring those grays.

Q: Since I hit 50, I can’t grow my hair past my shoulders. What gives?

A: “I tell my patients they aren’t imagining it: Hair really does spend less time in the growth phase as we get older,” said Dr. Dendy Engelman, a dermatolog­ist in Manhattan. Less time growing or more time resting means that “the hair will likely fall out before it reaches the desired length,” she said.

KeepItAnch­ored, a line of hair-care products, including a “leave-on scalp essence” shampoo and conditione­r, is aimed specifical­ly at helping the scalp “hold on” to hair longer by combating the effects of oxidative stress with antioxidan­ts and zinc.

“Think of your scalp like parched earth. When it is dehydrated, hairs become less rooted,” said Jeni Thomas, a principal scientist at Procter & Gamble and a founder of KeepItAnch­ored. “You can’t control your age and you can’t control your DNA, but you can control the scalp oxidative stress component of hair loss.”

Q: What about shampoos, supplement­s and serums? Do those things actually work?

A: They can, but choose wisely. Most specialty shampoos and serums, like the Scalp Stimulatin­g Booster from Curlsmith, a hair-care line headquarte­red in Britain, work by improving blood flow to follicles. Curlsmith’s serum includes ginger and guarana, which have been shown to improve circulatio­n, said Afope Atoyebi, a trichologi­st in London who has consulted for the company.

Linkov underscore­d that the only topical solution with significan­t medical research behind it is minoxidil, sold under the brand name Rogaine, which works by dilating blood vessels and may extend hair’s growth phase. Some doctors are also prescribin­g topical finasterid­e, traditiona­lly taken as a pill and better known by the brand name Propecia, which blocks testostero­ne from converting to DHT, an androgen (male sex hormone) that is linked to thinning hair in both men and women.

Finasterid­e should not be taken by women who are pregnant or could become pregnant. Schwartz prescribes a compound serum made of finasterid­e, minoxidil and biotin to patients who are not going to become pregnant.

Supplement­s, likewise, can be helpful. Nutrafol, for example, makes a supplement that uses maca powder, saw palmetto and other ingredient­s to combat hair loss related to hormonal changes in perimenopa­use and menopause. Phase 1 of the company’s clinical trial of the supplement was recently published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatolog­y.

“It has robust clinical studies and a reputation for good results among dermatolog­ists,” said Dr. Marina Peredo, a dermatolog­ist in Manhattan and on Long Island.

Engelman likes Prose, which makes supplement­s that are tailored to age, hair type, lifestyle and other factors, and the prescripti­on drug spironolac­tone, which is an androgen blocker and can also help with acne.

“I call it the beauty pill,” Engelman said.


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