Chicago Sun-Times

Judge dismisses Baldwin manslaught­er case


SANTA FE, N.M. — A New Mexico judge on Friday brought a sudden and stunning end to the involuntar­y manslaught­er case against Alec Baldwin, dismissing it in the middle of the actor’s trial and saying it cannot be filed again.

Judge Mary Marlowe Sommer dismissed the case based on misconduct of police and prosecutor­s over the withholdin­g of evidence from the defense in the 2021 shooting of cinematogr­apher Halyna Hutchins on the set of the film “Rust.”

Baldwin cried, hugged his two attorneys, then turned to hug his crying wife, Hilaria, holding the embrace for 12 seconds. He climbed into an SUV outside the courthouse without speaking to the media.

“The late discovery of this evidence during trial has impeded the effective use of evidence in such a way that it has impacted the fundamenta­l fairness of the proceeding­s,” Marlowe Sommer said. “If this conduct does not rise to the level of bad faith it certainly comes so near to bad faith to show signs of scorching.”

The case-ending evidence, revealed during testimony Thursday, was ammunition that was brought into the sheriff’s office in March by a man who said it could be related to Hutchins’ killing. Prosecutor­s said they deemed the ammo unrelated and unimportan­t, while Baldwin’s lawyers alleged they “buried” it and filed a motion to dismiss the case.

The judge’s decision ends the criminal culpabilit­y of the 66-year-old Baldwin after a nearly three-year saga that began when a revolver he was pointing at Hutchins during a rehearsal went off, killing her and wounding director Joel Souza.

“Our goal from the beginning was to seek justice for Halyna Hutchins,” District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies said in a statement. “We are disappoint­ed that the case did not get to the jury.”

 ?? POOL VIDEO VIA AP ?? Alec Baldwin reacts after a judge threw out the involuntar­y manslaught­er case against him on Friday in Santa Fe, N.M.
POOL VIDEO VIA AP Alec Baldwin reacts after a judge threw out the involuntar­y manslaught­er case against him on Friday in Santa Fe, N.M.

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