Chicago Sun-Times


Council committee advances ordinance that would allow businesses to contract with companies to keep motorists out of spots reserved for their customers


Private booters roaming free in more than half of Chicago’s 50 wards could soon get the go-ahead to take their controvers­ial, car-disabling operations citywide.

A divided City Council Committee on License and Consumer Protection made certain of it Thursday, voting 12-6 for an ordinance championed by retiring Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30th) at the behest of former colleague Joe Moore, who had represente­d the 49th Ward.

A 28-year Council veteran defeated in 2019, Moore now lobbies for Innovative Parking Solutions, the only private booting company operating in Chicago.

Moore persuaded Reboyras to introduce an ordinance allowing merchants across the city to contract with private companies to patrol private lots and prevent motorists from parking in spaces reserved for the merchants’ customers.

Currently, booting on private lots is allowed only if the local alderperso­n opts in, as roughly half of the 50-member City Council has done.

“This ordinance does not obligate any business or any strip mall to have this. They have an option . ... This ordinance simply makes sure that any vehicle that’s parked on the premises is there to shop at their stores. Not go across the street. Not wander off. Not to have it as off-street parking unless you’re shopping there,” Reboyras told colleagues.

“Please think about this and why we’re doing this. It’s better for the businesses. And we need to support it.”

Moore described Innovative Parking, as the “largest, if not the only, parking management company that uses immobiliza­tion devices” in Chicago to ensure “paying customers have access to their business.”

Despite years of complaints by consumers and Council members, Moore portrayed Innovative Parking as “less onerous and more humane than the traditiona­l method of towing one’s car,” which he called

“the only other method available to businesses to control their property.”

To remove one of Innovative Parking’s wheel-locking boots, a motorist “pays a $170 fine at the location and is free to get in the car and drive away.”

Towing companies “charge a base rate of $216, plus a storage fee of $45 a day. And if you’re driving a larger vehicle, such as an SUV, the towing fine can be anywhere from $520 to $700, depending on the size of the vehicles. Towing companies even charge motorcycle­s $500 and up to remove the boot. And storage fees for the larger vehicles and motorcycle­s are an additional $140 a day,” Moore said.

Ald. Anthony Napolitano (41st) was the most outspoken of the six dissenters.

Pointing to the “volatile times that we’re in,” Napolitano predicted the citywide ordinance would trigger fights galore when motorists find their vehicles booted.

“Whether you’re in the right or in the wrong of that booting, that situation becomes extremely volatile — especially when an independen­t company is the one doing it to your vehicle,” said Napolitano, who has been both a police officer and a firefighte­r in Chicago.

A citywide policy means “more of a volatile” atmosphere than the current situation, he said.

“We don’t have enough police. We don’t have enough cars on patrol to get to crime that’s occurring such as our burglaries, our strongarme­d robberies, our shootings and our theft of catalytic converters. Now, our officers are gonna be dispatched to an argument in a parking lot over a boot. … I will guarantee you ... it’s going to happen. I’ve seen it happen.”

West Side Ald. Chris Taliaferro (29th), a retired police officer now chairing the Committee on Public Safety, made the opposite argument — that private towing on a lot that was once a magnet for drug dealing and prostituti­on in his ward has been the salvation for his crime-weary residents.

“Since private booting came in, I’ve had zero police calls to that lot,” Taliaferro said.

Fuel surcharge approved to help taxis

Also on Thursday, the License Committee agreed to give Chicago cabdrivers squeezed by skyrocketi­ng gas prices a small measure of relief — at the expense of their dwindling pool of riders.

At the behest of Mayor Lori Lightfoot, the committee approved a surcharge of $1 for fares up to $20, $2 for fares as high as $30 and $3 for tabs over $40.

Business and Consumer Affairs Commission­er Ken Meyer was empowered to issue a “public vehicle industry notice” to terminate the surcharge whenever gasoline prices fall below $5 a gallon.

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 ?? ?? Former Ald. Joe Moore
Former Ald. Joe Moore

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