Chicago Sun-Times

The benefits of soy


Eating tofu and other plant-based proteins may have more health benefits than people realize, according to new research.

Foods like tofu that are rich in isoflavone­s — an estrogen-like substance made by soy plants — could lower risk of heart disease, particular­ly in younger and postmenopa­usal women.

“Other human trials and animal studies of isoflavone­s, tofu and cardiovasc­ular risk markers also have indicated positive effects, so people with an elevated risk of developing heart disease should evaluate their diets,” said lead study author Dr. Qi Sun in a news release. Sun is a researcher at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston.

“If their diet is packed with unhealthy foods, such as red meat, sugary beverages and refined carbohydra­tes, they should switch to healthier alternativ­es. Tofu and other isoflavone-rich, plant-based foods are excellent protein sources and alternativ­es to animal proteins.”

The study, published recently in the American Heart Associatio­n journal Circulatio­n, examined data from 200,000 people and found eating at least one serving of tofu a week was linked to an 18% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who rarely ate tofu. Those who benefited the most were young women before menopause or postmenopa­usal women who were not taking hormones.

Sources of isoflavone­s, aside from tofu, include edamame, chickpeas, fava beans, pistachios and peanuts. Soymilk, a more processed form of soy often sweetened with sugar, was not significan­tly associated with lower heart disease risk in the new study.

Cultures that consume high levels of isoflavone-rich foods, such as in China and Japan, have lower heart disease risk compared to other cultures with fewer vegetables and more meat in their diets, but Sun said that associatio­n needs more research.

And research on the health benefits has been split. In 2000, the Food and Drug Administra­tion backed claims that soy protects against heart disease, but since then studies have been inconclusi­ve. The AHA’s 2006 diet and lifestyle recommenda­tions and a science advisory that year on soy protein, isoflavone­s and cardiovasc­ular health found minimal evidence that isoflavone­s have any cardiovasc­ular benefits.

Sun said eating more tofu isn’t a “magic bullet” to staving off heart disease. He noted the results should be interprete­d with caution because other factors – exercise, family history and lifestyle habits — can influence heart health.

American Heart Associatio­n News covers heart disease, stroke and related health issues.

 ?? STOCK.ADOBE.COM ?? A new study examined data from 200,000 people and found eating at least one serving of tofu a week was linked to an 18% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who rarely ate tofu.
STOCK.ADOBE.COM A new study examined data from 200,000 people and found eating at least one serving of tofu a week was linked to an 18% lower risk of heart disease compared to those who rarely ate tofu.

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