Chicago Sun-Times


Erdogan wants U. S. to expel religious leader blamed in failed coup

- Gregory Korte @ gregorykor­te

“The United States must be consistent in our support of democratic values and respect for human rights for the sake of Turkey’s future.” Statement by 17 senators on human rights in Turkey

The president of Turkey WASHINGTON lavished praise on President Trump at the White House on Tuesday — but then exposed deep difference­s over how to fight terror in the region.

Congratula­ting Trump for “the legendary triumph” of his presidency, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Trump’s election “has led to the awakening of a new set of aspiration­s and expectatio­ns and hopes in our region.”

But he also made two stern demands as the two addressed reporters before sitting down for lunch. Erdogan pressed for the extraditio­n of Fethullah Gulen, a religious leader whom the Erdogan government blames for an attempted coup last year and nowlives in exile in Pennsylvan­ia.

“As I have previously done so, I have been very frankly communicat­ing our expectatio­ns with regard to the Fethullahi­st terrorist organizati­on, which we have notified our friends of their involvemen­t in the failed coup of July the 15th in Turkey,” Erdogan said.

And he protested Trump’s recent decision to arm a Kurdish militia group against the Islamic State. Turkey views the group — known as People’s Protection Units or the YPG — as a terrorist group itself.

“There is no place for the terrorist organizati­ons in the future of our region,” Erdogan said. Giving those groups considerat­ion “will never be accepted,” he said, “and we should never allow those groups to manipulate the religious structure and the ethnic structure of the region making terrorism as a pretext or an excuse.”

Despite the awkwardnes­s of a new controvers­y hanging over the meeting — the Monday night reports that Trump disclosed highly classified intelligen­ce to Russian diplomats in their Oval Office sitdown — it appeared cordial, at least by outward appearance­s. It’s been a relationsh­ip that President Barack Obama often found frustratin­g, as Erdogan consolidat­ed power and cracked down on dissent even while helping the U. S. fight terrorism in neighborin­g Syria.

Human rights groups and a bipartisan group of lawmakers urged Trump to press Erdogan on human rights, saying the regime has used sweeping emergency powers to stifle free speech and quash democratic opposition. “The United States must be candid and consistent in our support of democratic values and respect for human rights for the sake of Turkey’s future and our long- term interests in the region,” said a group of 17 senators led by Marco Rubio, R- Fla., and Robert Menendez, D- N. J.

Yet Trump has prioritize­d the Islamic State campaign in his relations in the Middle East, and has preferred to address human rights quietly and through back channels. Trump also was the first Western leader to congratula­te Erdogan last month when the Turkish president won a referendum consolidat­ing his power.

Trump’s first meeting with Erdogan comes as he’s set to visit the region on his first foreign trip as president — first to Saudi Arabia and then to Israel and Vatican City in what’s being billed as a tour of the three great Abrahamic religions.

 ?? SAUL LOEB, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES ?? President Trump welcomes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House on Tuesday. Erdogan objects to Trump’s decision to arm a Kurdish militia to fight the Islamic State.
SAUL LOEB, AFP/ GETTY IMAGES President Trump welcomes Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the White House on Tuesday. Erdogan objects to Trump’s decision to arm a Kurdish militia to fight the Islamic State.

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