Chicago Sun-Times

Don’t let shipping pollution foul our Great Lakes

- Arlene Salamendra, Plano

One would think that environmen­tal protection is a nonpartisa­n issue. But apparently, turning the Great Lakes into a sewer for the release of invasive species and other pollution is a good idea to GOP Sen. RogerWicke­r of Mississipp­i, who is proposing a law to allow the release of ballast from all ships into the lakes.

Thanks to the Sun- Times editorial page for bringing this to our attention, and I hope it generates a lot of letters to legislator­s railing against this ill- advised legislatio­n. Once done, the lakes are compromise­d forever. Carol Kraines, Deerfield

Trump enforcing the law

If the media were objective, then why don’t they inform the public that Trump is simply enforcing theMcCarra­n- Walter Act of 1952, which spells out United States policy on immigratio­n and was duly codified by Congress. Mike Simon, Glen Ellyn

Trump’s burden on taxpayers

It must be nice being president of the United States and living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. The taxpayers pick up the bills while your family lines their pockets with profits from your resorts, hotels and condos.

The people now in power find it hard to provide Americans, many of whom do pay their fair share of taxes, access to affordable health care. The cost is a huge problem, a burden for the government.

President Donald Trump is a financial burden of all Americans. He wanted to be president, and now he should start acting like our president. He should be held accountabl­e for how much he’s costing Americans for expensive campaign promises, trips to Florida for golf, and for separate housing for Melania. As immigrant families are being torn apart, I hope Trump will step up and make this sacrifice for America— stay in the White House with his family.

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