Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)

Mountainee­ring legend climbed Rainier 250 times


SEATTLE — Lou Whittaker, a legendary American mountainee­r who helped lead ascents of Mount Everest, K2 and Denali, and who taught generation­s of climbers during his more than 250 trips up Mount Rainier, the tallest peak in Washington state, has died at age 95.

RMI Expedition­s, the guide company he founded in 1969, confirmed that he died peacefully at home March 24.

“Mountains were the source of his health, the wellspring of his confidence, and the stage for his triumphs, and he was one of the first to make mountainee­ring and its benefits accessible to the broader public,” the company said in statement. “His leadership made mountain guiding a true profession, with many of the world’s premier mountainee­rs benefiting from Lou’s tutelage.”

Mr. Whittaker and his twin brother Jim Whittaker — who in 1963 became the first American to summit Everest — grew up in Seattle and began climbing in the 1940s with the Boy Scouts. At 16, they summited 7,965-foot Mount Olympus, the highest peak in the Olympic Mountains west of Seattle, Jim Whittaker recounted in his memoir, “A Life on the Edge.” When they reached the town of Port Angeles on their way home, they found cars honking and people celebratin­g: World War II had ended.

In the early 1950s the brothers served in the Army’s Mountain and Cold Weather command at Camp Hale, Colorado, where they trained an elite group of soldiers — the 10th Mountain Division — to execute wartime missions, according to the Northwest outdoors nonprofit The Mountainee­rs.

Lou Whittaker declined to join the Everest expedition that made his brother famous because he and a partner were planning to open a sporting goods store in Tacoma. The decision came as a shock to his brother, but Lou Whittaker wrote in his own book, “Lou Whittaker: Memoirs of a Mountain Guide,” that he still got to share in some of his twin’s glory by filling in when Jim got tired of attending parades.

“Only our families and closest friends ever knew the difference,” he wrote.

 ?? ?? Lou Whittaker
Lou Whittaker

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