Chicago Sun-Times (Sunday)



“You and Wendy might get along if you knew her better,” I told Cy the Cynic in the club lounge. “You should keep asking her out.”

Wendy, our resident feminist, and Cy are relentless adversarie­s, even when — and especially when — they cut as partners in our penny game.

“The last time I tried,” Cy shrugged, “she said she couldn’t go because her third cousin was coming to visit.”

“That’s better than when she told you she had to check the freshness dates on the dairy products in her fridge,” I sighed.

Wendy and Cy were today’s EastWest, and against four spades Cy led his singleton heart. Wendy took the ace and returned the queen, and Cy ruffed declarer’s king with his four of trumps.

The Cynic next led a club, and South won with the jack and led a trump. Cy took his ace and led another club, but South won and cashed the king of trumps, dropping Wendy’s queen. South then ran the diamonds, discarding his last heart, and claimed.

“Thank you, partner,” Wendy growled. “A woman can accomplish a lot if only she’s given a chance. But I wouldn’t expect you to understand that.”

What did Wendy mean?

Cy could defeat the contract. He can see three tricks — the ace of hearts, a heart ruff and his ace of trumps — but South surely has the ace of clubs and probably has the queen of diamonds for his bidding, so the defense will need a second heart trick. Cy’s best chance is to play Wendy for the queen of trumps. If Cy ruffs the second heart with the ace, Wendy will gain the lead eventually and cash her jack of hearts for down one.

South dealer

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