Chattanooga Times Free Press

Good versus evil

- From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham.

Q: Will the battle between good and evil ever be solved, or will it take Christ’s return to settle it once and for all? - G.E.

A: The journey through life is beset with many problems and heartaches, even for Christians. In cathedrals across Europe there are magnificen­t frescoes illustrati­ng themes from the Bible. In medieval times, few people had Bibles or could even read. Artwork was often used to teach people Bible stories. One memorable fresco covers an entire wall depicting people struggling upward on a ladder, climbing a staircase toward Heaven. Surroundin­g them were numerous angels, encouragin­g and helping them on their journey — but below were demons, pulling at their heels and trying to drag them off the ladder and into the fires below.

This scene depicts a vast spiritual conflict we can barely perceive, but which affects everything that happens on this planet. It’s the continual conflict between good and evil, right and wrong, life and death, Heaven and Hell. Most of all, it’s the age-old conflict between God and Satan. More than any Hollywood drama, this is the true “war of the worlds.” The Bible says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principali­ties, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Does this not describe the world today?

The Bible gives only faint glimpses of this conflict, and we must be careful not to speculate or go beyond what it tells us. God’s Word says that the struggle will not end until the final battle is fought and Satan is cast into the place prepared for the devil and his angels (see Matthew 25:41). The end will come with Christ’s triumphant return. Right now is the time to receive Him as Savior and Lord.

 ?? ?? Billy Graham
Billy Graham

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