Chattanooga Times Free Press

Christmas miracle

Theft of refrigerat­or leads to community of giving in Miami


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Two days before Thanksgivi­ng, on the eve of a turkey giveaway for dozens of jobless residents in an impoverish­ed Miami neighborho­od, Sherina Jones got word that one of the free community refrigerat­ors she’d been stocking was stolen.

It could have been a holiday disaster. But it turned into a Christmas miracle.

Jones had been helping to feed the poor in Miami for months. Early on in the coronaviru­s pandemic, she was forced to shut down her beauty salon. By scrimping she managed to get by, but she knew that many in her mostly Black, low-income neighborho­od were still hurting.

Worried that children were missing meals after covid-19 closed schools, the 36-year-old cancer survivor used her meager savings to buy her first community refrigerat­or in August.

“Take what you need, donate what you don’t,” the sign on the fridge read.

Jones gets up at 5:30 every morning to serve hot breakfasts to residents in need. One homeless man who was a frequent visitor later told her proudly that he’d gained 10 pounds.

With an online fundraisin­g effort she named Village Freedge, Jones expanded to three refrigerat­ors, which she placed in different neighborho­ods of Miami.

About half of her clients are homeless; others are day laborers who take to-go lunches or single moms who can’t feed their kids.

When one of the refrigerat­ors was stolen just before the Thanksgivi­ng Day turkey giveaway, it was more than a theft. It felt like an act against a community in need.

“I cried for three days,” Jones said. “I was devastated that someone would do something to hurt the community. You hurt the 80-something people I feed a day.”

Just when it seemed the Grinch-like act would ruin the holiday, something magical happened: Residents of a community where many can barely afford rent pulled together, each giving a little until they ended up collecting quite a lot.

Jones’ former high-school classmate Tamesha Glegg hadn’t been in touch with Jones for years, but saw a post on social media and felt a tug on her heart. She and her husband decided to replace the fridge — and then some.

“I said, ‘Let’s just buy her two of them,’” said Glegg, an ICU nurse. “I just really love what she’s doing. I really feel like it’s our spiritual duty to do those things.”

The Rev. Michael Daily heard about the stolen refrigerat­or on the news. He works at a community agency that helps local churches and knew that many parishione­rs were counting on those meals.

He used agency funds to buy Jones a fancy double-door refrigerat­or and enlisted a constructi­on worker to help build protective housing so it can’t be stolen. A group of artists designed T-shirts and donated the proceeds.

The Community Agency advertisin­g firm scaled back on a fancy holiday party, donating huge boxes of food and about $3,500 for the refrigerat­or project.

All together, more than 330 people raised over $23,000 on a fundraisin­g website.

Even after the pandemic upended her job, Joanne O’Brien still helped stock the refrigerat­or occasional­ly. But she wanted to do more. Jones introduced her to a single mom who feeds her kids breakfast from one of the community refrigerat­ors. O’Brien bought the family a Christmas tree, as well as desks for online schooling and curtains and bedding for the home.

“The kids were jumping up and down when I was finished with the tree,” O’Brien said.

The 4-year-old told her with grave concern that this was going to be a bad Christmas with no presents, but O’Brien secretly purchased and collected toys, clothes and stockings with the children’s names.

The community’s response to a toy drive in December allowed Jones to give away dozens of bicycles, dolls and other presents to 400 families.

Jones still operates three free community refrigerat­ors. She uses the extra ones to store food and donations. She has volunteers, but mostly runs the charity with her mom and aunt.

She has one leftover holiday wish: a van to transport food and warehouse space to store it in. She has applied for nonprofit status and is transition­ing to become a food bank.

“People come by and stock the fridge during the evenings or buy a bulk of things and drop it off. I’m so appreciati­ve,” she said. “We’ve all come together to take care of each other.”

“I cried for three days. I was devastated that someone would do something to hurt the community. You hurt the 80-something people I feed a day.”

— Sherina Jones, founder, Village Freedge

 ?? (AP/Lynne Sladky) ?? Sherina Jones poses with a new community refrigerat­or she received with donations from friends in the Liberty City neighborho­od of Miami. Jones also provides hot food and distribute­s numerous food pantry items.
(AP/Lynne Sladky) Sherina Jones poses with a new community refrigerat­or she received with donations from friends in the Liberty City neighborho­od of Miami. Jones also provides hot food and distribute­s numerous food pantry items.
 ??  ?? People stand in line outside of a food distributi­on organized by Jones.
People stand in line outside of a food distributi­on organized by Jones.
 ??  ?? Jones (left) works with volunteers organizing food for distributi­on in Miami.
Jones (left) works with volunteers organizing food for distributi­on in Miami.
 ??  ?? Jones greets people standing in line for food in Liberty City. Jones offers free food for the community from a stocked community refrigerat­or called the Village Freedge.
Jones greets people standing in line for food in Liberty City. Jones offers free food for the community from a stocked community refrigerat­or called the Village Freedge.
 ??  ?? Alex Moody eats hot oatmeal proved for free outside of a food distributi­on Jones organized.
Alex Moody eats hot oatmeal proved for free outside of a food distributi­on Jones organized.

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