Chattanooga Times Free Press

Democratic wins could strengthen Biden’s agenda


WASHINGTON — President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in November was tempered by concerns that he would face Republican opposition in the Senate that could stymie him at every turn.

Those worries eased this past week when Democrats swept two Senate special elections in Georgia, giving the party control of Congress and the White House for the first time since 2011. And the bipartisan outrage over the violent insurrecti­on at the Capitol by pro-Donald Trump supporters could, at least for a moment, ease the partisan tensions that have paralyzed the legislativ­e process for years.

“I think it makes my job easier, quite frankly,” Biden said Friday. He said “a number” of Senate Republican­s had called call him to say they “are as outraged and disappoint­ed and embarrasse­d and mortified by the president’s conduct as I am and Democrats are.”

Biden ran for office pledging to enact the boldest legislativ­e agenda since the Great Depression, passing everything from a massive stimulus to combat the pandemic to trillions of new spending to address climate change, expand health coverage and tackle economic inequality. To accomplish even a slice of his plans, he will have to expertly navigate a Congress that, while in Democratic hands, is closely divided.

The Senate will be split evenly, with Vice President-elect Kamala Harris casting the tiebreakin­g vote when needed. The 222-211 Democratic majority in the House is the party’s narrowest in decades.

That means major legislatio­n probably will not advance without at least some Republican support. GOP Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the current majority leader, has shown skill in keeping his party united against Democratic priorities.

Passing major legislatio­n is “still a challenge in a 50-50 Senate,” said Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin, the second-ranking Democrat.

“We can win simple majorities, but you have to face those 60-vote margins,” he said, referring to the number of votes needed to overcome a filibuster.

Biden will also have to cope with higher expectatio­ns after Georgia’s results than if he had faced a Republican-controlled Senate. That could lead to battles with progressiv­e Democrats who want to push the new administra­tion further left than it likes.

“Georgia, but obviously the election in November and really the last year, have been the American people saying, ‘We need more. We need more and we want more,’” said Adrianne Shropshire, executive director of BlackPAC, which advocates for economic, justice and political reform. She acknowledg­ed, however, that she does not think major change is “going to be a cakewalk” for Biden.

Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressiv­e Change Campaign Committee, which is closely aligned to leading voices on the left, including Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, said that while activists will not get everything they want right away, “the ceiling has just been raised on the possibilit­y of every progressiv­e issue.”

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