Chattanooga Times Free Press



If the justifiabl­y enraged “Defund the Police” protesters and reformers didn’t exist, in Minneapoli­s and just about everywhere, President Donald Trump would’ve had to invent them.

These vehement anti-Trumpers have made themselves Trump’s best hope — maybe his only hope — of avoiding the re-election defeat he deserves.

Every time those well-intentione­d progressiv­e protesters or reformers are seen on TV demanding that we “defund” our police forces, here’s the main thing they are actually accomplish­ing: They are frightenin­g the hell out of millions of family folks — Democrats, independen­ts and Republican­s — who have become offended by, and fed up with, Trump’s three-plus years of mean-spirited malperform­ance as president.

What the protesters and reformers fail to grasp is that every time they say “defund,” millions of Americans think it’s a code word for “disband.” Indeed, many reformers admit that “disband the police” is what they mean. So people rightly wonder: Does this mean when I hear a burglar and dial 911, no cops will come to save our family?

Instead of a budgeter’s “defund” or an anarchist’s “disband,” let me suggest a replacemen­t that may be the protesters’ best words. Chant: “Remake the police.”

That’s what the reformers really want to accomplish — totally remake the police culture. Police have perhaps the toughest job in our violent world. We want and need them to be tough at times. But we also want them to be humane as they serve and protect us in this tough and often heartless world.

America’s most recent focus of this problem is, of course, the city of Minneapoli­s. Today it is the place the world knows not for its lakes and summer greenery but for a horrific, inhuman unforgetta­ble visual: a policeman’s knee pressing the life out of the neck of a black man, George Floyd, who had committed no violent act against anyone.

The Minneapoli­s City Council has endorsed defunding the police department. But it hasn’t made it clear precisely what it is — and is not — talking about.

Trump is already locking, loading and weaponizin­g for target practice on this one. He may even want to start secretly funding the defunders. They may become his secret weapon.

As protests of police violence swept the nation following Floyd’s death, some turned violent — and police erupted in violence and abuses that became viral videos. In Buffalo, New York, police shoved a nonviolent 75-year-old man backward; his head smashed on the concrete, blood poured out his ear — yet police walked past him and didn’t help. He was seriously injured and hospitaliz­ed.

Journalist­s lawfully doing their jobs sometimes became targets of police abuse. On CNN, the world saw a surreal police-state moment played out in slow motion, as Minnesota state police surrounded CNN’s Omar Jimenez while he was broadcasti­ng live, cuffed his hands behind his back and took him, his camerapers­on and producer to headquarte­rs. The world saw him showing his credential­s to the cops and asking where they wanted him to be standing. But the cops, never violent, kept silent. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz belatedly intervened, freed the journalist­s and apologized.

And that brings us to one more thing that all these incidents of police abuses had in common: No fellow cops or police officials or political leaders intervened to immediatel­y halt any of the incidents of police abuse that the world saw. Human tempers can flare when things get violent; but when one goes rogue, it should be the law that all other cops move immediatel­y to halt the abuse and attend to the injured.

In a week of police excesses and abuses, we never saw a police supervisor or fellow cop intervene to restore law and order. All are criminally complicit in the abuses they failed to halt.

 ??  ?? Martin Schram
Martin Schram
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