Chattanooga Times Free Press

Pence asks Tennessean­s to drum up support for Mexico-Canada trade


GOODLETTSV­ILLE, Tenn. — Vice President Mike Pence on Monday urged a group of Tennessean­s to call the state’s two Democratic congressme­n and ask them to help pass the Trump administra­tion’s trade deal with Mexico and Canada.

Pence’s remarks came during a speech to several hundred people at a Tyson Foods plant in Goodlettsv­ille, just outside of Nashville.

The event was sponsored by Trade Works for America, a bipartisan coalition advocating passage of the U.S.-MexicoCana­da Agreement.

Pence said he believes the votes are there to pass the agreement if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will bring it up for a vote.

Democrats have been negotiatin­g with the administra­tion over the agreement for months. They want stronger protection­s for workers and the environmen­t. They also want to jettison a provision they see as a giveaway to big pharmaceut­ical companies.

The USMCA would replace the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, which eliminated most trade barriers between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. Critics — including Trump, labor unions and many Democratic lawmakers — have called NAFTA a job killer for America. The do-over aims to nudge manufactur­ing back to the U.S., but it requires congressio­nal approval.

“It’s time for the Democrats in Congress to set politics aside and pass the USMCA,” Pence said Monday.

He urged attendees to call U.S. Reps. Jim Cooper of Nashville and Steve Cohen of Memphis and tell them, “Tennessee needs the USMCA.”

Pence was joined by U.S. Agricultur­e Secretary Sonny Perdue and Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee at the event, who both spoke in favor of the trade agreement.

Pence did not address the impeachmen­t inquiry against President Donald Trump directly.

Pence was expected to attend a fundraiser later in the day for Trump’s re-election.

 ?? GEORGE WALKER IV/THE TENNESSEAN VIA AP ?? Vice President Mike Pence, center, chats with Tyson Foods employee Steve Ligon, left, and plant manager Doug Griffin during the vice president’s visit in Goodlettsv­ille, Tenn.
GEORGE WALKER IV/THE TENNESSEAN VIA AP Vice President Mike Pence, center, chats with Tyson Foods employee Steve Ligon, left, and plant manager Doug Griffin during the vice president’s visit in Goodlettsv­ille, Tenn.

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