Chattanooga Times Free Press

Holiday treat ideas for party favors


If you’re heading to a family member’s or friend’s house for the holidays, it’s always nice to bring a hostess gift. It doesn’t need to be anything expensive or extravagan­t, just a thoughtful gesture for all the hard work they put into the family feast. Conversely, if you’re the host and want to leave your guests with a little party favor, these homemade gifts can serve as party favors, too. So this year, get crafty and make one of these DIY hostess gift or party favor ideas for your host or your guests.

This kit is made up of three homemade seasonal seasonings (that’s a tongue twister) and is incredibly easy to assemble. Moreover, I can’t imagine the recipient wouldn’t find a use for all three items in the coming months. And if she wasn’t likely to make chili or mulled wine, you can bet she will now that you’ve given her the most essential ingredient­s for both creations. Plus, the pumpkin pie spice is perfect for this time of year’s pie baking.

Pumpkin Pie Spice

4 tablespoon­s ground


4 teaspoons ground nutmeg 4 teaspoons ground ginger 3 teaspoons ground allspice 1 teaspoon vanilla powder

In a small bowl combine all ingredient­s and store in an airtight, lidded container.

Chili Spice

2 teaspoons paprika 4 teaspoons ground cumin 1⁄2 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2 teaspoon oregano 2 teaspoons garlic powder 1 teaspoon kosher salt

Combine all ingredient­s. Store in an air-tight, lidded container.

Mulling Spice

3 strips orange rind

2 strips lemon rind 2 tablespoon­s whole cloves 1 tablespoon whole allspice,


1 whole star anise, smashed 4 cinnamon sticks, smashed

Arrange orange and lemon rinds on a rack; let stand until dry and brittle, about 24 hours. Break into 1⁄4-inch pieces into bowl. Add cloves, allspice, star anise and cinnamon; stir to combine.

Make a spice bag from 2 to 3 layers of cheeseclot­h. Put the spices in the center of a 6-inch cheeseclot­h square, and tie cloth shut with kitchen twine. Use 1 bag to every 2 quarts of apple cider or wine.


First decide on your container: a pint or quart mason jar, a medium-size plastic pumpkin or a smallish hollowed-out, clean, fresh pumpkin.

Fill with whatever looks attractive and what you think the hostess would like. The list could include assorted candy, seasonal tea bags, dog treats, airline-size liquor bottles, movie and/or fast-food coupons, etc.

If using a jar, tie a brightly colored ribbon around the top to finish. If using a pumpkin, place a stick in the midst of the “whatevers” (like a stem), and add a ribbon on top.


Pour melted chocolate into vintage spoons (flea markets are great to find these), and top with extras for really cute treats. The extras could include granola, peppermint sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles, marshmallo­ws, whatever you can think of to add that extra punch. Wrap in cellophane, and you’re good to go. (Depending on the size of the container, you might add a coffee mug or two to the package.)


Since memories are so strongly linked to smells, this holiday season I plan to make this fragrant and easy recipe as gifts and for my own house to smell divine. One whiff of some whole cloves and orange peels is the best.

2 good-size pine sprigs (from a tree in your yard or from a live Christmas tree) 2 peppermint sticks (make sure it has peppermint oil in the ingredient list) 2 cinnamon sticks

Combine for 1 jar of potpourri.

Variation: If preferred, you can substitute the cinnamon stick for a vanilla bean if you have one. It’s a versatile potpourri that nicely carries over into spring.

1 sprig fresh rosemary 2 cinnamon sticks Peel of 1 lemon (see note)

Combine for 1 jar of potpourri.

Note: The recipe calls for lemon peel, but sliced lemon wedges work fine as well. It’s hard to mess up a stovetop potpourri recipe.

2 cinnamon sticks

2 pine sprigs

1 tablespoon whole cloves 1 whole nutmeg

1/3 cup cranberrie­s

1 star anise pod

1 orange Combine for 1 jar of potpourri.

This recipe has a lot more ingredient­s, but it’s also super flexible. You can take out any part of the recipe and it will still smell great. Use powdered or grated nutmeg as well, if you can’t find it whole. If you don’t have an orange, use a lemon. It all works.

You also can make it all just spices — nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.

Peppermint scent:


Since spices — and particular­ly whole ones — tend to be fairly expensive, look for cheaper ways to complete your mixture.

Check the bottom shelf for bulk containers of cinnamon sticks; Walmart usually carries them for $5.

If not found at grocery stores, check health-food stores for whole star anise and whole nutmeg; even then, it costs only $1-2 for the amount needed (handful).

For fresh rosemary, buy the plant, not the precut bunch. Not only great for potpourri, the plant is a delightful-smelling holiday addition and, as an added bonus, can be planted outside as a perennial. Local stores may sell it in the produce section, or check your local nursery.

Contact Ellen Phillips at consumerwa­tch@timesfreep­

Citrus scent: Spice scent:

 ??  ?? Ellen Phillips
Ellen Phillips

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