Chattanooga Times Free Press

Abrams tells Georgia Democrats a good turnout is key to success


ATLANTA — Georgia’s Democratic candidate for governor told more than 1,000 attendees at the party’s state convention Saturday that Democrats’ fate in November rests with people who don’t usually vote.

“In the areas of town we pass by and write off because no one there votes; we’ve gotta stop the car and go back,” Stacey Abrams told the crowd in Atlanta.

Driving turnout was a major theme of the event and has long been a staple for Abrams in her bid to become Georgia’s first Democratic governor in 15 years and the nation’s first-ever black female state executive.

“We need to find those who gave up on us a long time ago, and we need to give them a reason to believe again,” she said.

That strategy is key to Democrats as they try to make gains in a state that has long been controlled by Republican­s.

Abrams was joined for speeches by top-of-the-ticket Democrats including lieutenant governor candidate Sarah Riggs Amico, secretary of state candidate John Barrow and attorney general candidate Charlie Bailey.

They backed an agenda that included expanding access to affordable health care and child care, making it easier to vote and protecting immigrants’ rights.

“This November 6, our beliefs will be on the ballot,” Amico told the crowd. “And I believe that real leaders like the ones you’ve heard from today bring our people together instead of tearing us apart.”

Meanwhile, Abrams’ and Amico’s Republican opponents, Brian Kemp and Geoff Duncan, were in Perry, Georgia, for an annual 8th Congressio­nal District fish fry.

The Republican­s also talked about access to health care, but stressed private sector solutions over government ones.

“We’re out here on the trail today in Perry, Georgia, middle Georgia … connecting with voters about things that matter to them,” said Kemp, the GOP’s gubernator­ial candidate, in a video posted to Twitter.

Like Abrams, Kemp emphasized access to health care, “especially rural health care.” However, he said he hopes to find private sector solutions.

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