Chattanooga Times Free Press

Dems say victories pointing to greater 2018 gains


ATLANTA — Georgia Democrats strung together seemingly improbable victories Tuesday night, emboldenin­g partisans who hope the strong performanc­e is a prelude to next year’s statewide vote — and the beginning of a forceful rebuke of President Donald Trump.

Democratic newcomers flipped two state House seats in northeast Georgia considered so conservati­ve the party hadn’t contested them since the district lines were redrawn in

2012. And Democrats captured an Atlantabas­ed state Senate district that has been held by a Republican for the past five years, breaking the GOP’s supermajor­ity in the chamber.

The Georgia results were part of a national wave that defeated Republican gubernator­ial candidates in Virginia and New Jersey. And with a wide-open race for governor next year, Democrats Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans trumpeted the results as validation of their strategies.

Supporters of Abrams said Ralph Northam’s victory in Virginia confirms their approach to the election, which hinges on energizing the party’s base. Her campaign said it was “proof that the momentum is on our side going into 2018.”

Evans’ backers said Northam’s success in districts that were carried by Trump in 2016, coupled with the Democratic wins in GOP stronghold­s, shows there’s an opening for Democrats like her who aim for disaffecte­d Republican voters.

And Democrats of all stripes saw the votes as a warning shot to Republican­s who cling too closely to Trump.

“The results are a rejection of Trump — it’s clear as day,” said state Rep. Scott Holcomb, D-Atlanta. “Republican­s who continue to embrace him can start the countdown on their political careers.”

But Georgia Democratic Party Chairman DuBose Porter said the success of more liberal candidates shouldn’t solely be considered a rebuke of Trump.

“This night wasn’t about what we’re against — it was about what we are for and what we are offering Georgia families,” Porter said. “Now we move forward to pocket even more wins in next month’s runoff races and build on this movement for a string of victories in 2018.”

State House Speaker David Ralston warned, however, that Democrats shouldn’t get too comfortabl­e.

“Our House Republican Caucus and Georgia GOP are already working to reclaim those seats lost last night in next year’s elections when a greater percentage of Georgians will go to the polls,” the Blue Ridge Republican said.

Ralston also pointed to the large number of seats still held by the party. The GOP holds 116 of the House’s 180 seats.

“While every race is important, only 1 percent of seats in the House changed hands between parties,” Ralston said in a statement. “I would caution against reading too much into such a minor shift.”

Some Republican­s didn’t spin defeats late Tuesday in House districts covering parts of Athens and Watkinsvil­le. Trump had carried both districts in November, and Republican­s mounted solid and well-financed contenders for the seats.

“It’s a testament to the importance of a party contesting every seat possible,” Republican operative Todd Rehm said. “Kudos to Georgia Democrats for their recruitmen­t efforts.”

He added that he’s not sure what precedent the votes set, since special elections are imperfect predictors of midterm votes. But he warned that the results likely will spur a new Democratic mission to contest all possible elections, even in deeply conservati­ve areas.

Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez said that’s why the party is investing in races across the country going into 2018.

“We need to make sure that we’re competing everywhere, because we can win,” he said on a call with reporters Wednesday.

Democrats couldn’t capitalize on Trump’s struggles in metro Atlanta last year because the party failed to put forward credible contenders — or any at all — in dozens of races. Only 31 of the 180 state House seats in Georgia featured candidates from both parties. An Associated Press analysis found that unconteste­d rate of 83 percent was the highest in the nation.

Republican­s are defending a slate of open statewide seats in next year’s vote, and the four leading GOP contenders running for governor already are engaged in a race to the party’s conservati­ve flank on “religious liberty,” illegal immigratio­n and other hot-button issues.

State Sen. Michael Williams, a Republican running for governor on a pro-Trump platform, quickly posited that Republican Ed Gillespie was defeated in Virginia in part because GOP primary voters overlooked other candidates who more ardently backed the president.

“For Republican­s to continue winning elections, we have to elect proTrump conservati­ve Republican­s who are willing to take on the establishm­ent of both parties,” Williams said.

Democrats privately saw the Athens-based seat as their biggest pickup opportunit­y. Athens is a liberal bastion, but the district only encompasse­s about half of the city — and stretches east to include conservati­ve territory in nearby rural counties.

Republican­s consolidat­ed around Houston Gaines, a 22-year-old former student government president at the University of Georgia and budding political operative. He was the campaign manager for Athens Mayor Nancy Denson, and her support for him led to her ouster from the local Democratic Party.

But Democrat Deborah Gonzalez, a media and entertainm­ent attorney, swept to a 6-point victory fueled by a 2-to-1 margin in Athens-Clarke County and solid support in other parts of the district.

“Voters sent a message that they’re not happy with the representa­tion they had before,” Gonzalez said. “They want new representa­tion and different solutions to the problems they’ve been faced with for years.”

She said she knew before she was elected that Republican­s would mobilize to take the seat back next year.

“I always viewed this as just one point, not the end or the final piece of the story,” Gonzalez said. “So we’re taking a well-earned break for a few days, and then we’re getting right back to work.”

 ??  ?? Ralph Northam
Ralph Northam

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