Chattanooga Times Free Press



When it comes to criminal justice, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a man out of time — stuck defiantly in the 1980s, when crime in America was high and politician­s scrambled to outtough one another by passing breathtaki­ngly severe sentencing laws. This mindset was bad enough when Sessions was a senator from Alabama working to thwart sentencing reforms in Congress. Now that he is the nation’s top law enforcemen­t officer, he’s trying to drag the country backward with him, even as most states are moving toward more enlightene­d policies.

On May 12, Mr. Sessions announced a drastic policy ordering federal prosecutor­s to pursue the toughest possible charges against crime suspects in all cases, rescinding an Obama administra­tion directive that focused on reducing punishment­s for low-level, nonviolent offenders, mostly in drug cases, and steering more law-enforcemen­t resources toward the bigger fish. That approach was working: The federal prison population started to drop for the first time in years, even as crime has remained at historic lows.

Instead of acknowledg­ing these gains, Sessions has clung to the familiar myth that longer, harsher sentences reduce crime and increase public safety. The evidence shows the opposite: To bring down recidivism, a punishment’s swiftness and certainty matter far more than its length. Longer sentences may even lead to more reoffendin­g.

Sessions’ outdated ideas have been rebuked across the political spectrum. Eric Holder, the attorney general who issued the Obama-era policy, called the new approach “dumb on crime.” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., pointed out that people of color suffer disproport­ionately from mandatorym­inimum sentences for drug crimes, and said Sessions’ charging policy “will accentuate the injustice.” A group of 31 current and former state and local prosecutor­s — not people ordinarily associated with going soft on crime — signed an open letter calling the directive an “unnecessar­y and unfortunat­e return” to harmful and discredite­d practices.

Sessions has taken a sledgehamm­er to this rare and fragile bipartisan­ship, at least on the federal level. And while it’s too soon to know how the new policy will affect sentences, prison population­s, or recidivism rates, Sessions’ assertion that the justice system is not harsh enough — however isolated that view — could trickle down and affect justice reform in the states.

Fortunatel­y, states have been moving in the other direction, as budget-conscious lawmakers saw what Sessions has not — that locking up more people for longer periods is hugely expensive with no real public-safety payoff. The states should continue with their effective, evidence-based approaches, and Congress should find a way at last to pass meaningful sentencing reform. Reducing or eliminatin­g many mandatory minimums would be optimal, but at this point most anything would be an improvemen­t.

A bipartisan group of senators recently reintroduc­ed the Justice Safety Valve Act, which would give judges more flexibilit­y to impose lighter sentences in certain cases. They were achingly close to passing a similar bill last year, until a small clot of senators blocked it. One of those senators was Jeff Sessions.

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