Chattanooga Times Free Press

Daughter gives up on fighting her mother’s grudge

- Dear Abby Written by Jeanne Phillips

DEAR ABBY: Six years ago, not long after I announced to my family that I was going to be married, my parents decided to divorce because Dad had been cheating on Mom. Because I allowed him to walk me down the aisle, she didn’t attend my wedding. I was extremely hurt by it but decided to forgive and forget. Unfortunat­ely, my mother could not do that.

For the last six years, she has ignored my phone calls and text messages. I have sent cards and gifts for birthdays, Christmas and Mother’s Day and received no acknowledg­ment.

We were very close before all this started, and I have tried reaching out to her in every way I know how.

Cutting family out of her life is a pattern for her. My mother hasn’t spoken to her own father in almost 50 years, and out of her six siblings, she speaks to only one. She cut her own mother out of her life for years until Grandma was on her deathbed.

With Mom’s birthday coming up, I’m at the point where I think I’m done sending cards and gifts to someone who can’t acknowledg­e me and blatantly hides from me. What do you think? — CASTOFF IN ILLINOIS

DEAR CASTOFF: Sending the greeting cards is a minimal way to maintain contact, and you could continue doing it. But if you’re really done, you’re done.

DEAR ABBY: After 34 years of marriage, I realized that I must “earn the right” to have sex. This morning I agreed to go to a particular movie my wife wants me to see with her in exchange for sex.

I now recognize that this trading started years ago, and I just let it slide.

I have a pretty thick skin, but more and more, I’m concluding this is a game that I’d rather not play. Can you give me any advice as to where we can go for help? — MUST EARN THE RIGHT

DEAR MUST EARN THE RIGHT: I agree that your wife must be a part of the solution to your problem. Because the old “pay for play” no longer suits you, the place to seek help would be the office of a licensed marriage counselor. I wish you luck, because decades-old dynamics can be hard to change.

DEAR ABBY: My best friend “Jennifer’s” mom recently passed away. I was with her through the entire process.

While cleaning out her mother’s home, Jennifer asked to store some things in my garage. Of course I agreed.

It has been three weeks now. My question to you is, what is proper etiquette when asking a friend how long she wants me to store her mother’s belongings? — STORAGE ETIQUETTE IN THE EAST

DEAR ETIQUETTE: If keeping Jennifer’s belongings in your garage is creating a problem for you, this is a question you should have asked before agreeing she could move them in. Since you didn’t, and I assume you will want your garage back at some point, set a deadline and tell your friend in plenty of time so she can make other arrangemen­ts for storing them. If you don’t, you could find yourself holding them indefinite­ly.

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