Chattanooga Times Free Press

Sanders campaign says it’s raised $33 million since October


WASHINGTON — Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders raised more than $33 million during the past three months in his bid to win the Democratic nomination, his campaign said Saturday, just short of the amount brought in by rival Hillary Clinton during the same period. Sanders, a self-described democratic socialist, has now collected $73 million for the primaries through a powerful online fundraisin­g apparatus that should help him compete with Clinton deep into spring. His haul will allow him to spend money at a comparable rate with Clinton, who raised $37 million since the beginning of October and $112 million during 2015 for her primary campaign.

“This people-powered campaign is revolution­izing American politics,” said Jeff Weaver, Sanders’ campaign manager, in a statement. “What we are showing is that we can run a strong, national campaign without a super PAC and without depending on millionair­es and billionair­es for their support.”

Clinton is the Democratic front-runner in national polls, but Sanders remains within striking distance against her in Iowa, which holds its caucuses on Feb. 1. Sanders is hoping to surprise Clinton in Iowa and then use his New England ties to defeat her in the New Hampshire primary on Feb. 9, where polls have shown him with a slight advantage.

The campaign finance estimates indicate Sanders should have the resources to mount an effective challenge: his campaign said it had $28.4 million in the bank at the end of 2015. Clinton’s campaign, which spent about $75 million during 2015 to build a large data-driven organizati­on, ended the year with $38 million in cash on hand.

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