Call & Times

BVT confers diplomas and industry-recognized certi cations


UPTON – The Blackstone Valley Tech Class of 2024 Commenceme­nt Ceremony was held at the Hanover Theatre & Conservato­ry for the Performing Arts in Worcester on May 30th. The evening ceremony celebrated the accomplish­ments of its 306 graduates with all the pomp and pageantry they deserve.

“From their first day of school, I encouraged this class to put their best effort into their work, work their hardest, and to leave Valley Tech just a little bit better than they found it,” said Assistant Superinten­dent-Director/Principal Mr. Anthony E. Steele II in his opening remarks. “The Class of 2024 met that challenge and then some. They have been outstandin­g stewards of their school, and after tonight, I do not doubt that they will carry that torch as BVT alumni.”

The ceremony included a salute to the flag and the national anthem. Next, Yvette Martin, Director of Student Services, delivered the benedictio­n. Then, John Kearney of Douglas and Amelie Botelho of Upton performed Abba’s emotional hit song, “Slipping Through My Fingers.”

The speakers eloquently expressed the sense of community, connection, and a shared purpose that has shaped their time at BVT. Ella Rogozenski of Northbridg­e, Valedictor­ian, reflected on being welcomed into a community that celebrates diversity, embraces creativity and fosters innovation. Michael Borowski of Millbury, Senior Class President, expressed pride in being a “Beaver” for life. Eleanor Poitras of Hopedale, Student Council President, felt a strong sense of community as a class and being part of the BVT family. Lastly, Laney Beahn of Douglas, Salutatori­an, recalled the moments, accomplish­ments, hardships, and experience­s that have made this high school chapter worth rememberin­g.

Assistant Principal Mr. Matthew Urquhart addressed the class and took a moment to acknowledg­e those who helped make this day possible. In closing, he congratula­ted them on reaching one of life’s signature milestones and reminded them to be proud of what they have earned.

“Your determinat­ion, thoughtful­ness, and ambition have taken you this far, and we know you have many more amazing goals to reach,” said Superinten­dent-Director Dr. Michael F. Fitzpatric­k. “You, the Class of 2024, are part of our legacy and forever a part of our collective experience. Impressed with everything you’ve accomplish­ed so far, we cannot wait to see what you do next!”

Three hundred and six students concluded their dual high school education. They received a vocational certificat­e and a diploma, which certify mastery of competenci­es in their career-technical programs and a rigorous academic course of study. The evening celebratio­n concluded with applause for the graduates as they tossed their caps into the air. To view the ceremony, visit www.valleytech.­4.

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