Call & Times

Kamala Harris a moderate? Not even close.

- Follow Marc A. Thiessen on Twitter, @marcthiess­en.

,n case you haYen¶t no ticed, there is a not so sub tle campaign aIoot to paint 6en. .amala +arris, ' &a liI., as a centrist ± an eIIort that e[poses the leIt¶s strat egy to Iool the $merican people into giY ing them political power in NoYem ber.

$Iter presump tiYe 'emocratic presidenti­al nom inee -oe %iden announced +ar ris as his running mate, the New

No, she doesn¶t. +ar ris was the ³most liberal compared to all senators´ in according to *oY Track, the nonpartisa­n goYernment transparen­cy watchdog ± to the leIt oI eYen her democratic social ist colleague, 6en. %ernie 6anders, , 9t. +arris wasn¶t ³pragmatic´ either. *oY Track Iound she ³Moined bi partisan bills the least oIten compared to 6enate 'emo crats.´ $ccording to 0an hattan ,nstitute budget e[ pert %rian Riedl, +arris has proposed a mind numbing $ trillion in new spend ing oYer the ne[t decade. 6he supports the econom ically ruinous *reen New 'eal, 0edicare Ior all and Iree ta[payer Iunded health care Ior undocument­ed im migrants. 6he is also an abortion ]ealot who has suggested that a IaithIul &atholic who belongs to the .nights oI &olumbus is unIit to serYe as a Iederal Mudge. 6he opposes deporta tion oI those who illegally enter the 8nited 6tates and once compared ,mmigra tion and &ustoms (nIorce ment agents to the .u .lu[ .lan.

,I +arris really were a moderate, progressiY­es would be up in arms oYer her choice. %ut they are not. /eItists understand that to win in NoYember, they must be able to peel away reluctant Trump Yot ers in key swing states who are uncomIorta­ble with the leItward lurch oI today¶s 'emocratic 3arty. These Yoters need to belieYe that a %iden +arris adminis tration will be centrist and reasonable, so they can giYe themselYes permission to deIect and Yote 'emocrats into power. 6o progressiY­es and their allies in the main stream media haYe tried to portray %iden¶s choice oI +arris as another e[ample oI how he has kept the leIt at arm¶s length.

3rogressiY­es know it is a lie. &ongression­al 3rogres siYe &aucus co chair Rep. 3ramila -ayapal, ' :ash., recently said the leIt need not worry about %iden¶s moderate Yeneer because ³he is moYable.´ $s she told ³The 'aily 6how´ host TreYor Noah, ³$s soon as we get him in the :hite +ouse, and eYen be Iore with these task Iorces that we had, we were able to signiIican­tly push -oe %iden to do things that he hadn¶t signed on to beIore.´

The leIt sees %iden as their Tro Man horse. They want Yoters to look at his inoIIensiY­e, moderate, biparti san e[terior, and de cide it is saIe to let him in side the :hite +ouse gates. %ut as soon as they do, an army oI socialists will rush out ± led by 6anders, 6en. (li]abeth :arren, ' 0ass., and Rep. $le[andria Oca sio &orte], ' N.<. ± to im pose a radical progressiY­e agenda on $merica.

They haYe eYery reason to belieYe that will happen, because %iden has already giYen in to their demands. )or more than years, %iden supported the +yde $mendment, which bars Iederal Iunding Ior abor tions, eYen writing a con stituent to say, ³Those oI us who are opposed to abortion should not be compelled to pay Ior them.´ :hen he re iterated his support Ior the +yde $mendment last year during the presidenti­al pri maries, he was chastised by none other than +arris, who declared, ³No woman¶s ac cess to reproducti­Ye health care should be based on how much money she has. :e must repeal the +yde $mendment.´ %iden Tuick ly surrendere­d to +arris and the party¶s pro abortion radicals.

,I %iden will capitulate to his party¶s leIt wing on a Iundamenta­l moral Tuestion like abortion, what makes anyone think he won¶t do the same when it comes to 0edicare Ior all or the *reen New 'eal" 0ost candidates tack to the cen ter aIter securing their par ty¶s nomination, but %iden has already gone to the leIt, Iorging a ³unity platIorm´ with 6anders. The platIorm was a wink and a nod to democratic socialists ± em bracing a number oI their demands and promising to ³study´ others once %iden is in the :hite +ouse.

The leIt got the mes sage Once the election is oYer, %iden will moYe eYen Iurther in their direction. %esides, progressiY­es in &ongress belieYe that they will be setting the agenda anyway, and %iden¶s Mob will be to autopen whateY er they pass and put on his desk. :hat is he going to do, stand with Republican­s and Yeto their legislatio­n" 3rogressiY­es are more than comIortabl­e spreading the myth oI moderation, while they hide inside the belly oI the 'emocratic ticket wait ing Ior Yoters to open the :hite +ouse gates.

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