Call & Times

Manafort convicted on 8 counts

Former campaign chairman for Trump found guilty by jury; judge declares a mistrial on 10 remaining charges


ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A jury found former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort guilty Tuesday on tax and bank fraud charges – a major if not complete victory for special counsel Robert Mueller III as he continues to investigat­e the president’s associates.

The jury convicted Manafort on eight of the 18 counts against him and said it was deadlocked on the other 10. U.S. District Court Judge T.S. Ellis declared a mistrial on those charges.

Wearing a black suit, Manafort stood impassivel­y, his hands folded in front of him, and showed little reaction as the clerk read the word “guilty” eight separate times. As through most of the three-week trial, Manafort showed no emotion as he looked at the six women and six men who convicted him.

President Donald Trump reacted to the verdict by denouncing Mueller’s investigat­ion.

“Paul Manafort’s a good man,” the president told reporters in West Virginia. The verdict, he said, “doesn’t involve me but I still feel, you know, it’s a very sad thing that happened.”

He pointed out that the charges in Manafort’s case did not involve Mueller’s core mission of investigat­ing Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and whether any Americans conspired with those efforts.

“This is a witch hunt that ends in disgrace,” Trump said.

For Trump, the outcome of Manafort’s trial was only half of a double-barreled blast of bad news Tuesday. Shortly after the verdict was read, the president’s former longtime attorney Michael Cohen pleaded guilty in an unrelated case to eight crimes, saying that among other things, he helped arrange hush money payments at the direction of then-candidate Trump.

Manafort, 69, was found guilty of filing a false tax return in each of the years from 2010 through 2014, as well as not filing a form in 2012 to report a foreign bank account as required. He was also convicted of two instances of bank fraud, related to a $3.4 million loan from Citizens Bank and a $1 million loan from Banc of California.

The charges on which the jury deadlocked included three counts for not filing a form to report a foreign bank account, and seven counts for committing bank fraud or conspiring to commit bank fraud.

The judge thanked the jurors for their service and they were dismissed, leaving the courthouse without speaking to reporters. The judge has ordered their names not be disclosed in court records.

Once the jury left the courtroom, Ellis asked Manafort to approach the lectern. The judge told him that he would order a pre-sentencing report and it was important for Manafort to “pay careful attention to the preparatio­n of the document.”

Manafort’s wife declined to speak to reporters as she left the courthouse.

Lead defense attorney Kevin Downing said Manafort was “disappoint­ed” in the verdict, though he also wanted to thank the judge “for giving him a fair trial,” and the jurors for their deliberati­ons.

Manafort’s lawyers asked for 30 days to file a motion for a new trial or for the judge to toss out the verdict. Manafort “is evaluating all of this options at this point,” Downing said.

His possible prison sentence wasn’t immediatel­y clear, but legal experts said he likely faces roughly seven to 10 years in prison under federal sentencing guidelines. Trump has repeatedly declined to discuss whether he might someday pardon Manafort.

The conviction, analysts say, might increase the pressure on Manafort to cooperate with Mueller in hopes of getting a sentencing break. “Now that he’s seen how this goes, maybe he is now more likely to want to consider working out a plea deal,” said Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. Attorney who observed much of the trial.

The verdict comes as Trump has stepped up his criticism of Mueller’s investigat­ion, pub- licly criticizin­g it on a weekly and sometimes daily basis. As the Manafort trial began, Trump called for the probe to be shut down immediatel­y.

Manafort’s guilty verdict may strengthen Mueller’s hand as he continues to investigat­e possible conspiracy and seeks an interview with the president; an acquittal could have led to a broader effort by conservati­ves to shut down the special counsel’s office.

The 18 charges in the Manafort trial centered around Manafort’s personal finances, and had little to do with the special counsel’s mandate of probing Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election and whether any Trump associates conspired with those efforts.

But the trial was the first to emerge from Mueller’s probe, and as such it marked a significan­t public test of his work. After four days of deliberati­ons, the jury largely validated Mueller’s decision to charge Manafort.

Over two weeks of testimony, more than two dozen witnesses, including his former right-hand man Rick Gates, as well as his former bookkeeper and accountant­s, testified against Manafort. They said he hid millions of dollars in foreign bank accounts that went unreported to the IRS, and then later lied to banks in order to get millions of dollars in loans.

His lawyers had argued that Gates, not Manafort, was the real criminal, pointing to Gates’ admitted lies, theft, and marital infidelity, which he acknowledg­ed during his testimony. Gates pleaded guilty in February to lying to the FBI and conspiring against the United States, and has said he hopes to get a lesser prison sentence by cooperatin­g against Manafort.

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