Call & Times

On the quest for practical self-sufficienc­y


After my second-to-last column about self-sufficienc­y was published, I thought about another important motivation behind peoples’ endeavor for “effective self-sufficienc­y”; one that is often overlooked in writings on the topic, but nonetheles­s a driving force for many people.

There is a certain comfort, a feeling of inherent security and freedom, that comes from systems where we – as individual­s, families, and small communitie­s – are in full control; systems whose operation is only otherwise subject to Acts of God/Nature, and not to the will and whim of external human entities that probably don’t have our personal best interests in mind. This is true across the board – who wouldn’t feel freer on a big plot of land, where they can raise chickens, or an orchard, or any herbal plant they want, without being watched, judged, and condemned by micro-regulation-happy locals and their municipali­ty? And what internet user wouldn’t feel more secure with the knowledge that the informatio­n they transmit and receive is truly, honest-to-God not being looked at by private “Big Data” corporatio­ns and the NSA, despite there being nothing to hide?

Well, this is even truer of the systems by which our food, water, fibers (materials), energy, and pro- duction/processing/value-adding services – the basic goods and services responsibl­e for keeping us alive and healthy – are produced. I can certainly say that I feel significan­tly different about a particular vegetable, or fruit, or egg, or gallon of water that I grew, raised, or gathered myself. When there is no industry, no force of government, no selfish private interest upon which you NEED to depend for the basic goods you require and no person or institutio­n from which you must ask some permission in order to produce those goods; when your food is born of the soil and dies at your lips, with no entity of interests contrary to your own intervenin­g in between…that’s a human life best lived.

So with that said, this column is about practicall­y implementi­ng a system as described above. I’m defining this as a system where we are capable of being secure and free in the production processes by which our goods are produced, though by no means ideologica­lly bound to always be so; and where those goods are produced sustainabl­y, on a small-enough scale to be considered “effectivel­y self-sufficient,” without surpassing the point of diminishin­g returns in self-sufficienc­y.

The basic question is: If the stores were to close tomorrow, what do we need to be producing on individual and small community levels, to continue normal human existence for an extended time? Food, of course, which would include vegetables and animal protein at a minimum, with fruit and healthy fat sources added in for nutrient and palate variety. We also need potable water, shelter, some minimum amount of energy, (arguably) clothing, and the skills or services needed to 1) change all of these from raw materials into usable form and 2) keep us happy beyond the physical requiremen­ts for survival (enter- tainment, recreation, community).

Let’s go through each of the categories of goods above and discuss them in semi-isolation. For each, we can look at how the inherent limitation­s of your specific situation – that is, how much land you have, how much labor/time you are willing and able to exert, how much money you have to invest in startup, and your present repertoire of skills and ability to expand them – shape how you might implement them.

We will discuss specific examples of each type of system, and consider the central goal of producing as much of that thing as is possible in a sustainabl­e way.

Food. This is probably limited by land more than anything else. With a pretty investment in seed, plants, and some type(s) of animal, and a willingnes­s to dedicate a moderate amount of time working and learning, the amount of food you grow is pretty much dependent on the amount of space to grow it.

For plants, your yield for each unit of time, labor, and money you invest will be highest if you use permacultu­re-type principles, focusing on perennial plants, rotating whatever annuals you do grow, practicing polycultur­e and guilding, and using beyond-organic methods that improve soil fertility and resilience in the long-run.

For animals, whether it’s a flock of chickens in your backyard or a herd of cows on a 10-acre plot, you should raise them in the type of environmen­t, and the diet, on which they evolved. This will maximize their health and therefore yours; and when accounted for in the long-term spreadshee­t demanded by sustainabi­lity, will produce the highest yields of any system.

Growing food can be scaled to almost any size of land available, and it’s worth focusing on the crops and animals that give the most bang-for-the-buck (and hour, and acre!). It is easy to be self-sufficient in herbs and spices, since a little space goes a long way. And because a big part of the diet of chickens and pigs, among others, can come from food waste, their space requiremen­ts on your land don’t necessaril­y need to include the space to grow their food (like pasture-land for cows).

Water. Collecting potable water is a very different game. This can come either from some sort of rainwater catchment, from a stream or other running water source, or from groundwate­r. Whichever source(s) are available to you, you need to decide the end uses that you’re willing and skilled enough to provide for. Drinking/cooking water is obviously the highest-value use, and I would urge you not to attempt this unless you are certain about the quality and purity of the final product before consuming it. For other uses that involve human contact – irrigation of foods, supplying animals, and even cleaning – water doesn’t necessaril­y need to meet human potability standards, but must minimally be free from sewage (obviously), high levels of pathogenic bacterial contaminat­ion, and toxic chemicals.

This is a more attainable state for even urban farmers, because rainwater is plentiful and easy to collect, and almost always meets these standards. A system as simple as a barrel on the end of a downspout is all that’s needed; alternativ­ely, I have seen – at that heavenon-Earth, Blue Skys/Urban Edge Farm, a rainwater and groundwate­r fed pond that is used to sustainabl­y supply for irrigation needs.

Shelter. This is a little more implicit in whatever type of property you have. If you already have a house, you’re done with this section. If not, reason would dictate that you need a place to live, to protect you from the elements, and to maintain your body temperatur­e within a healthy range (which does segue into the next section). By no means am I well-versed in constructi­on, but there is a wide array of permacultu­re literature available for green, sustainabl­e, low-impact, and actually pretty inexpensiv­e building. Once your home (I hesitate to sound soullessly technical by calling it a “dwelling”) is built, especially if built in such a way that you are able to repair and maintain it yourself, and even more especially if the materials to do so can be locally-sourced (Earth-bags, anyone?), then you can call it effectivel­y self-sufficient.

Energy. This is probably the most capital-intensive but land-cheap item on the list. At base, the energy we consume is used to keep our shelters and water at a reasonable temperatur­e, cook our food, transport us long distances, and entertain us. That energy is usually supplied to us in a few basic forms: as electricit­y, as natural gas, as heating oil (though less common now), and as wood or other bio-fuels.

A solar array and battery bank is enough to supply any reasonable household’s electricit­y needs, and a bigger one in tandem with electric car(s) can supply their transporta­tion as well. Systems like passive solar heating/water-heating, wood fires, homemade biofuels, and other distribute­d generation (remember back to that series of columns I wrote a few months back?) can fill the spaces that electricit­y can’t.

Clothing/Textiles/Materia ls. This is a little more situation-dependent. There are many sources of usable fiber, from linen (flax) and wood, to stinging nettle and cotton, to animal-based textiles like leather and wool. These can be grown/raised/harvested as a pretty natural extension of your food-growing endeavors, and even, in some cases, with just additional effort but no additional land or investment (i.e. wool from sheep being raised for meat/milk; nettle fibers from wild-growing stinging nettles; leather from beef cattle). These products also require a pretty extensive set of skills, but nothing that cannot be learned with a little effort and a book by John Seymour.

Next time, we’ll address the process- and community-level “products” (homestead skills, entertainm­ent, community), and talk about a really good example of this effectivel­y-complete self-sufficienc­y in action that I am currently experienci­ng. I want to bring up the way that these individual production systems can interplay, and how you would see that implemente­d in a holistic, community level.

Alex Kithes is an urban farmer and a lifelong resident of Woonsocket. He studied engineerin­g at Boston University and Brown University, and works as an electrical engineer in Cranston. Email him at or visit his blog at TheOpinion­atedFarmer.wor His column runs every other Sunday.

 ?? Submitted photo ?? Growing your own food is one of the easiest ways to maintain self-sufficienc­y.
Submitted photo Growing your own food is one of the easiest ways to maintain self-sufficienc­y.
 ??  ?? Alex Kithes THE URBAN FARMER

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