Boston Herald

Legal action needed to save state from elitist leaders

- By paul Craney Paul Diego Craney is the spokespers­on and board member of Massachuse­tts Fiscal Alliance.

Massachuse­tts has come to the point that legal action is needed, not to save itself from the coronaviru­s, but from power hungry politician­s. Massachuse­tts and the rest of the country are fortunate to see all health trends pointing in the right direction. The curve is flattened. Emergency health care facilities are not overrun and have the supplies and procedures needed going forward. Most of the public is using common sense. Common sense is leading to good results, with one exception — our state’s politician­s.

Our state’s most privileged class are the elite politician­s who have secure paychecks, gold plan health care packages for life, a guaranteed taxpayer-backed pension, a parking spot in downtown Boston and no term limits. These elitists are, purposeful­ly or not, adding another privilege to their list — unjust and extra-legal executive powers that circumvent the legislativ­e process. These executive orders bypass the laws already on the books to deal with pandemic situations in order to micromanag­e businesses and infringe upon almost everyone’s personal rights. In essence, it’s an executive order to act like God.

Legal action is needed to rein in these overzealou­s elites. They are using a temporary health emergency to enact changes that will have major, long-term consequenc­es for the commonweal­th. Believe it or not, the governor’s current response — and his executive orders — are being justified by a law enacted during the Cold War to protect the public from a Soviet threat. Any reasonable judge would recognize that Massachuse­tts’s pandemic response should be guided by the laws governing public health, not one designed for civil defense and protecting people from nuclear war. Luckily, 10 Massachuse­tts plaintiffs have joined the New Civil Rights Alliance and filed a lawsuit on Monday to do just that.

The role of the legislatur­e has been completely ignored through this exercise of police power (the power to regulate the health, safety and morals of society) by our state’s executives. These police powers should be used only for a limited period and required to be as unobtrusiv­e as possible regarding people’s daily lives and liberties. These powers come from the legislatur­e, which require a deliberati­ve approach. Instead, they are being abused.

Somerville Mayor Joseph Curtatone is shutting down churches and all other places of worship, despite the governor clearing them for limited services. Whoever your God is, and wherever you choose to worship, Mayor Curtatone intends to keep it shut down.

Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito was asked a very uncomforta­ble question by the media this week. Allegedly, her brother held a graduation party for his kids. The Politos own an island-based family compound and celebrated over Memorial Day weekend. Their homes are all next door to each other and they claimed to have socially distanced at their private backyard beach. She’s being called a hypocrite by many due to her role as head of the reopening advisory board, but I think people are being far too harsh on her. People should be encouraged to see their family members as long as they continue to use common sense, stay safe and take the appropriat­e precaution­s which the government has done such an effective job at communicat­ing to the public over the last several weeks.

Society cannot change overnight. Any long-term change must come from the legislatur­e so that the “people” have a say. A lawsuit needed to be filed against these unjust executive orders. Even if you believe the state has a role in micromanag­ing every aspect of our lives, and that business and personal liberty should take a backseat during a pandemic, you should agree it should be done through an open, democratic legislativ­e process. Or at the very least, follow the laws already passed.

Until then, it’s clear a court of law needs to weigh in as more people in the court of public opinion grow sour to these executive orders.

 ?? MAtt stonE / HErAld stAff filE ?? OFF LIMITS: Donna’s Restaurant in East Boston’s Orient Heights neighborho­od is among those closed because of coronaviru­s restrictio­ns.
MAtt stonE / HErAld stAff filE OFF LIMITS: Donna’s Restaurant in East Boston’s Orient Heights neighborho­od is among those closed because of coronaviru­s restrictio­ns.

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