Boston Herald

Romney, Vindman among the best America can be

- Jeff ROBBINS Jeff Robbins is a Boston lawyer and former U.S. delegate to the United Nations Human Rights Exchange.

Last week provided more confirmati­on that America lies in intensive care, its recovery in doubt.

It featured the defense lawyer for the president of the United States informing Americans that their president is free to threaten anyone he chooses with whatever consequenc­es he wants in order to extract anything he wishes in return, and still be immune from impeachmen­t, so long as he believes it will help him remain in office — an interpreta­tion of American democracy at once novel and totalitari­an.

It included Republican­s at the State of the Union acting like frat boys, chanting “Four more years!” to convey their enthusiasm for a president not merely clinically megalomani­acal but conclusive­ly demonstrat­ed to be epically corrupt.

Then there was the National Prayer Breakfast, at which our president expressly rejected the keynote speaker’s gentle requests that he reflect on the teachings of Christ and try, maybe just a little bit, to incorporat­e them. And the oh-so-presidenti­al “celebratio­n” of his Senate acquittal on charges of abuse of power and obstructio­n of Congress,

so conclusive­ly documented that even some Republican­s who were too intimidate­d by the president to vote to convict him openly admitted that the charges were true.

Standing at a lectern embossed with the presidenti­al seal, Donald Trump once again modeled pure dignity and grace for the American people, using obscenitie­s and calling the FBI “scum.” Trump also denounced those who had proven his guilt, calling them “the crookedest, most dishonest people I’ve ever seen.”

Those were remarkable words indeed given the numerous individual­s he has seen at quite close range, including his personal lawyer, his campaign manager, his national security adviser and his longtime political confidante, who have been convicted of felonies and are either headed to federal prison or are already residents there.

It isn’t merely Trump who reflects the advanced state of our national disease, but his base, whose size and psyche have destroyed our heretofore self-congratula­tory self-image. That which the decent among us instinctiv­ely know is indecent, Trump World regards as really neat.

Thus, for instance, the president and his enthusiast­s feel it is clever to riff childishly on U.S. Congressma­n Adam Schiff’s last name, with the moniker

“Shifty Schiff” the least juvenile of the insults. When Schiff’s fellow House Manager, Congressma­n Jerrold Nadler, tweeted that he would miss some of the impeachmen­t proceeding­s in order to help his wife cope with pancreatic cancer, some of his fellow countrymen replied that they looked forward to his return so that he could be tried for “treason.”

A spate of polls showed that 49% of Americans view

Trump favorably. Former Massachuse­tts Gov. Deval Patrick, a candidate for his party’s presidenti­al nomination, has taken to saying, “This time, it’s about the character of the country,” and he is right.

But there was also good news, and there were people to be proud of. Sen. Mitt Romney, the sole Republican in Congress to be honest about Donald Trump, reminded Americans what patriotism and political courage look like. Romney’s vote to convict Trump has already generated the viciousnes­s that is Trump World’s calling card, but it has also earned him a degree of admiration reserved for few politician­s, one that will endure in history.

Ditto for Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the son of a Ukrainian family that came to America fleeing totalitari­anism because in America “right matters.” Vindman fought for his nation, told the truth — and was kneecapped by a president who dodged military service by having his wealthy family pay for a “bone spurs” diagnosis.

Mitt Romney and Alexander Vindman are saving graces, individual­s we can point to when telling our children and grandchild­ren what America has been, what it has meant and why it deserves to be rescued. They are examples that provide some hope as we struggle to save a country that has long provided hope to so many.

 ?? AP ?? STANDING ALONE: Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, was the only Republican senator to vote against President Trump, although others admitted he was guilty of the charges.
AP STANDING ALONE: Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, was the only Republican senator to vote against President Trump, although others admitted he was guilty of the charges.
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