Boston Herald

Think ferry


As someone born and raised in Boston and who lived in the city of Quincy, I have been closely following the issue of Boston’s desire to rebuild a new Long Island bridge (“Bridge Project Falling Down,” Boston Herald, Sept. 7).

I was glad to see that the Quincy Conservati­on Commission has turned thumbs down on the bridge

replacemen­t project being pushed by Boston Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the city of Boston. A Quincy city councilor has called out Boston City Hall as “misleading” when it comes to plans for a new bridge.

It does seem that the city of Boston has decided to bully up on Quincy, which is not going over so well in Quincy. I believe the rush by Boston is due to numerous issues down by Boston Medical Center, where the homeless population has overwhelme­d that area, but I believe without support from the city of Quincy, we are at a quagmire. It would be better for Boston to think about ferry service from Boston to Long Island. The only way in and out of Long Island by land would be through Quincy city streets, and this issue could be tied up a long time in court.

Boston needs to move forward with ferry service, which is quite doable and a sensible compromise and solution to this Bridge War between two cities at loggerhead­s with each other. Doing nothing but yelling back and forth is pretty much a big waste of time and energy.

— Sal Giarratani, East Boston

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