Boston Herald

Comey, obstructio­n case both sunk


Comey is toast. The report issued Thursday by the inspector general of the Department of Justice fried the former FBI director a light golden brown. There is no coming back from this, no matter what he or anyone else says.

As the report makes clear, Comey’s actions were insubordin­ate, against clear

DOJ policy, and often motivated by self-interest.

He actively manipulate­d his superiors and brought the FBI into disrepute. While he may not be as bad as my fellow columnist, Mr. Carr, says, he is pretty bad, and he would do well just to slink into obscurity and trouble us no more.

What also died on Thursday was the obstructio­n case — if there ever was one — against President Trump. As readers may recall, this all started when Comey was fired and the left collective­ly raised a hue and cry alleging that the firing was simply an excuse to impede the FBI investigat­ion of the Russian impact on the election. According to this view, Comey was the last bastion of integrity and President Trump’s asserted justificat­ions for the terminatio­n were a sham.

And now, as a few have already suggested, that’s all gone. According to the report, not only was the firing of Comey appropriat­e, it was really necessary. So where does that leave the Mueller investigat­ion?

Suppose they accuse Mr. Trump of firing Comey for bad reasons. Trump’s lawyers drop the report — prepared by an Obama-administra­tion appointee — on the bench or in front of the jury. “Here,” they say, “is documented proof that the firing was entirely justified as determined by the DOJ itself and documented by this objective investigat­ion. If the president can’t fire this guy, where is the republic now?”

Any reasonable lawyer would recognize that the prosecutor­s just lose in that situation. Even if they still believe that Mr. Trump had evil in his heart, they are doomed in court. And for a prosecutor, what happens in court is what matters. If there is no reasonable expectatio­n of getting a conviction, a prosecutor should not indict. That is DOJ policy, too.

As I used to tell clients, trials are not about what is true, they are about what you can prove in court. Any criminal obstructio­n case is now unprovable. It is time to move on.

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