Boston Herald



You would think that being a three-time Olympic champion would earn you a smidgen of respect. Apparently not for gymnast and Needham native Aly Raisman, who chewed out TSA on Twitter for a body-shaming incident she allegedly had at an airport.

“Lady at TSA: `Gymnast? I recognized u by ur biceps,'” Raisman posted on the social media site. “Man at TSA: `I don't see any muscles' & continues 2 stare at me. How rude & uncomforta­ble.”

“If u are a man who can't compliment a girls (muscle emoji),” she continued, “you are sexist. Get over yourself. Are u kidding me? It's 2017. When will this change?”

The TSA did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Looks to us, though, that this TSA guy lives under a rock, having failed to recognize Raisman for her arms or for her — I don't know — outstandin­g Olympic record. Raisman's gone to two Olympics as part of the U.S. women's gymnastics team: She was a member and a captain at both the 2012 London Games and the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Games. And from those competitio­ns, Raisman now has six Olympic medals, including three gold, to her name.

Maybe she should have those medals in her carry-on at all times. Otherwise she might not impress.

“I work very hard to be healthy & fit,” Raisman wrote on Twitter. “The fact that a man thinks he judge my arms (expletive) me off. I am so sick of this judgmental generation.”

“He was very rude,” she continued. “Staring at me shaking his head like it couldn't be me because I didn't look `strong enough' to him? Not cool.”

What's a girl to do when confrontin­g a body-shamer? One Twitter user suggested to Raisman, “Ask him where he keeps his Olympic Gold Medals.”

Meanwhile, another advised, “Next time, smack him upside the head with your gold medal.”

Both solid suggestion­s — but Raisman took the modern high road by waiting to sound off on him on social media for all the world to see.

And to be clear about her toned arms, they're 10.0s all around.

 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? Aly Raisman let fly on Twitter after a TSA agent threw some shade her way.
AP FILE PHOTO Aly Raisman let fly on Twitter after a TSA agent threw some shade her way.
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