Boston Herald

A nation in denial needs to realize election is over


We just won’t let go. The 2016 election was so mind-blowing, so unbelievab­le, that it’s going to be one of those historical events that’s debated forever, like JFK’s assassinat­ion, the attack on Pearl Harbor and the moon landing.

Millions of Democrats still don’t recognize Donald Trump as the legitimate president because they believe the Russians engineered it. Millions of Republican­s — including Trump — believe rampant voter fraud caused Hillary Clinton to win the popular vote.

Liberals are so determined to reverse reality that they’re already plotting to impeach Trump. And if Clinton had won, she might be on trial by now.

Get over it, America. Democrats: You lost. Republican­s: You won. It wasn’t even close — a margin of 77 electoral votes.

But Trump isn’t satisfied. His resurrecti­on of the charge that Massachuse­tts Democrats illegally bused up to New Hampshire on Election Day to register as Granite State voters shows just how determined the president is to relive Nov. 8. He’s become one of those guys who can’t stop talking about his high school football championsh­ip game and that interferen­ce penalty the ref didn’t call.

The busing story isn’t even original. Gov. Chris Sununu claimed a week before the election Democrats were lining up buses to ferry voters to New Hampshire.

Scott Brown then repeated the story days after the election in an interview with Boston Herald Radio.

At least come up with some new material, Mr. President. You’re going to have to do better than rehashing the bus bit.

And all those Democrats now attacking Trump for spreading lies? They’re probably the same ones who wanted Clinton to challenge the election results in Michigan because of alleged voter fraud. Of course voter fraud takes place. You don’t think Democrats who live in Massachuse­tts took advantage of same-day registrati­on to cast ballots for Clinton and Sen. Maggie Hassan? Right. And no one from Massachuse­tts registers their car in New Hampshire illegally.

But it’s unlikely there was enough fraud to turn around the New Hampshire outcome. Trump lost by close to 3,000 votes. Ayotte lost by nearly 750 votes. She didn’t even ask for a recount.

But it doesn’t really matter what Trump or Democrats believe. Hassan won. Look it up in Wikipedia. She’s in the Senate. Just like Trump is in the White House. It happened. Yet, we are a nation in denial. It’s much more fun to live in the past and try to prove that Vladimir Putin influenced millions of people to vote for Trump. Or that Hillary Clinton’s campaign was so organized it got millions of illegal voters to cast ballots for Trump.

We just can’t handle the truth. We are desperate to debate the past and try to reverse the course of history. Over and over and over.

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