Boston Herald


- Peter GELZINIS — peter.gelzinis@bostonhera­

It’s not the nearly $1 billion in debt that Donald Trump racked up almost two decades ago, or the life raft of “rigged” bankruptcy laws he’s been clinging to that fascinate me.

Oh, no. It’s the delicious notion that someone inside The Donald’s wobbly financial empire may have given him up.

Susanne Craig, one of four New York Times reporters who broke the story of Trump’s $916 million in losses on Sunday, said the three pages of Trump’s 1995 tax returns that landed in her cityroom mailbox were tucked inside an envelope labeled “Trump Tower.”

I can’t help but wonder if Melania Trump fired this poison dart at her frayed tycoon of a husband, as revenge for being set up at the Republican National Convention.

Clearly, whoever coughed up this forensic glimpse into Trump’s hollowed-out kingdom must have gotten fed up with his ridiculous “I’m under audit” excuse for hiding his tax story.

But for most reasonable people, all those three pages of huge debt and bankruptcy loopholes did was confirm what we already suspected.

Donald Trump’s only asset is his malignant ego. The rest is just a sham, propped up by tax lawyers and reality television. He stands naked before us.

For some strange reason I feel a certain sadness (or is it pity?) for the legions of Trump ditto-heads who can no longer cling to the idea that their candidate for president is this “amazing, successful businessma­n” who will make America great again because “I know how to make great deals.”

The one and only “great deal” The Donald can claim is how he’s managed to lose a ton of money in Atlantic City casinos, along with a number of other stupid, ego-driven ventures, and still work those “rigged tax laws” to keep himself afloat.

The sad and crazy irony here is that the very people Trump is playing for suckers — all those angry working folks who grudgingly pay their taxes, listen to talk radio, buy those stupid hats and believe this cheesy messiah will make everything right again — are the ones who will ignore the obvious.

Bright and early Sunday morning, Trump summoned his munchkin surrogates, Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie, to douse the flames on all the TV talk shows. And they were unflinchin­gly emphatic in their contention that The Donald was “a genius” for how he used tax law to avoid paying any taxes.

Then, both Rudy and Christie had the gall to insist that only a scoundrel like Trump, who knew how to play a rigged tax code to his benefit, was the one guy who could fix the same rigged system for all the little people out there.

Chances of that are about as fat as Chris Christie.

 ?? AP PHOTO ?? BANKRUPT: Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump speaks during a town hall meeting in Herndon, Va., yesterday.
AP PHOTO BANKRUPT: Republican presidenti­al candidate Donald Trump speaks during a town hall meeting in Herndon, Va., yesterday.
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