Boston Herald

Dems in ‘shock’ at Hillary bashing

- Julie Mehegan is deputy editorial page editor of the Boston Herald. Follow her on Twitter @JulieMeheg­an.

We should expect more of what we saw in Cleveland — or worse — in Philadelph­ia.

CLEVELAND — Democrats and prominent members of the media seem shocked — shocked! — to discover that party activists used their national convention to attack the nominee of the other party. That must mean that Donald Trump will get the kid-glove treatment in Philadelph­ia this week.

The mock shock over the criticism of Hillary Clinton here in Cleveland was risible. Yes, the attacks were sharp. Ben Carson made that bizarre and utterly inscrutabl­e reference to Lucifer. But Carson’s utterings are bizarre and inscrutabl­e on a good day, and he hardly represents the heart or the future of the Republican Party.

Much of the focus was on New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s rhetorical prosecutio­n of Clinton, with its carefully choreograp­hed call-and-response enticing gleeful delegates to declare her “Guilty!”

That delegates went a step further with chants of “Lock her up!” — which popped up all week inside the Quicken Loans Arena — was off-putting. But we all know the politicsai­n’t- beanbag cliche, and after four decades of this, Clinton can take it. Or can she? A group of Democrats rushed to Cleveland on Thursday to defend Clinton against all the big meanies. Their indignatio­n left the unfortunat­e impression that she was a damsel in need of rescue.

They also exaggerate­d the attacks beyond recognitio­n. U.S. Sen. Cory Booker (DN.J.) said he was horrified by the “hate, bile and lies,” and horrified by the calls for Clinton to be jailed.

Believe if you will that Clinton did not commit a crime, but Republican­s who believe she only narrowly escaped prosecutio­n for her mishandlin­g of her State Department emails want accountabi­lity. That was the bottom line, delivered rally-style.

Booker also suggested that political convention­s are supposed to lay out a party’s vision for the future. That’s true in part. But there is also a long tradition of using them as an opportunit­y to define the opponent.

In 1988 then-Texas Gov. Ann Richards laid out a legendary case against then-Vice President George H.W. Bush at the Democratic National Convention, mocking him for being “born with a silver foot in his mouth” and leading the crowd in a chant of “Where was George!” It was marvelousl­y effective.

Elizabeth Warren had some notso-nice things to say about Mitt Romney in her 2012 speech at the Democratic National Convention. She’s on the speaking schedule in Philly this week. Think she might have something sharp to say about Trump?

Her Twitter account may offer a clue. She recently declared Trump and running mate Mike Pence “two small, insecure, weak men who use hate & fear to divide our country & our people.” Trump, she has written, is “a fraud,” “a thin-skinned bully” and “a lying, cheating businessma­n.” She also called the prospect of Pence becoming vice president “terrifying.”

U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer (DN.Y.) also played the attack dog in 2012, essentiall­y declaring Romney too wealthy to be president. Nice!

Hillary Clinton is an unusually flawed candidate. As is Trump. We should expect more of what we saw here in Cleveland — or worse — in Philadelph­ia.

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