Boston Herald

I’m not the conductor, but definitely aboard the Trump train

- Ayla BROWN

Calling all Republican­s — it’s time to unify!

The final night of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland was a true test for our party’s presidenti­al nominee, Donald Trump. A test he passed with flying colors.

As I sat in my seat, listening to each of the speakers who took the stage, I felt immense pride to be a Republican. The minute Trump walked to the podium, he began chanting “USA” with the crowd.

He was unifying everyone in the arena. He was connecting with the audience not only through his words, but through his actions — pointing directly to the different delegation­s, the volunteers, the vice presidenti­al nominee, Mike Pence, and of course, his family.

Being in the Quicken Loans Arena, surrounded by people from across the country, you could see the passion was there. Everyone was so different. They come from different states, different background­s and different cultures — but that night they were all rallying behind Trump together.

As I felt the energy in the building and watched the crowd’s response to our nominee, I had a moment where I thought, “Wow, I can’t believe I’m here. This man could be the next president of the United States — and I’m sitting just feet away from him.”

It’s been a long journey for me though. As a voter — and someone who has experience­d politics on a very personal level — I wasn’t truly on the Trump train until I listened to his acceptance speech.

Now, I may not be the conductor, but I’m definitely on board.

Say what you want about him. He shoots from the hip and most of the time he’s politicall­y incorrect. But the difference between Hillary Clinton and Trump is that he is able to frankly address the issues that people have been trying to sweep under the rug for eight long years.

He didn’t shy away from his stance on immigratio­n, he spoke about needing to increase political participat­ion among millennial­s and what must be done to restore respect for law enforcemen­t.

He reminded Americans of what true conservati­ve values represent. And he reminded me that even the smallest good deeds can have a huge impact on American prosperity.

I’m voting for Donald Trump in November. Are you on the train?

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