Boston Herald

Gov’s ‘foundation’ nothing to stand on

- — holly.robichaud@bostonhera­

Recently Gov. Deval Patrick talked about the importance of Democrats keeping control of the Corner Office so Martha Coakley can build on his so-called “foundation.”

The only way the voters let the Democrat strangleho­ld continue is if they are low-informatio­n voters. How can you tell if you or your neighbor is informatio­nally challenged? Here is a Massachuse­tts scandal/mismanagem­ent IQ test. If you don’t know the answers to these questions, then you have some studying to do before the November election.

The Legislatur­e and governor raised our taxes last year. At that time did the state have a surplus or revenue deficit?

Answer: The state has over $1.1 billion surplus and it’s still accumulati­ng. You should be getting a tax refund not tax increases.

Who is Annie Doohkan?

Answer: She is the state crime lab analyst who tempered with evidence. Failed oversight of her will cost taxpayers $332 million.

How much did the Romneycare website cost taxpayers?

Answer: The grand total was $3.5 million.

Patrick forced Massachuse­tts to abandon Romneycare for Obamacare. How much is the Health Connector website costing?

Answer: So far, taxpayers are funding $500 million. The website failed and 250,000 people, who were previously paying for their health insurance, are getting taxpayerfu­nded coverage. The new website is supposed to be launched after the election.

Is the Health Connector the only failed website for the Patrick administra­tion?

Answer: No! The same vendor that built the Health Connector developed a website for the Department of Revenue. That site had to be abandoned for a hefty price of $55 million. The Unemployme­nt Insurance website is riddled with problems and $6 million over budget.

How many people died from meningitis due to failed state government oversight of NECC?

Answer: 64 people nationwide.

How many children being supervised by the Department of Children and Families went missing?

Answer: After the death of Jeremiah Oliver, it was revealed that more than 100 children were unaccounte­d for.

How many people were convicted in the Probation Department patronage scandal?

Answer: Three former officials were found guilty. House Speaker Robert DeLeo was called an unindicted co-conspirato­r, but not charged.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of problems plaguing our state. Friends don’t let friends vote uninformed. There are 43 days left to educate!

 ?? STAFF PHOTO BY STUART CAHILL ?? SERIOUS FUN: Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Martha Coakley, right, chats with Jennie Blasko, left, and her daughter Paula at Medford Community Day yesterday.
STAFF PHOTO BY STUART CAHILL SERIOUS FUN: Democratic gubernator­ial candidate Martha Coakley, right, chats with Jennie Blasko, left, and her daughter Paula at Medford Community Day yesterday.
 ?? AP FILE PHOTO ?? KEEP CONTROL: Gov. Deval Patrick hopes to turn the keys to the Corner Office over to a Democrat.
AP FILE PHOTO KEEP CONTROL: Gov. Deval Patrick hopes to turn the keys to the Corner Office over to a Democrat.
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