Borger News-Herald

President Wendler’s Op-Ed: Individual­s and Groups


The Hechinger Report recently published a piece regarding rural college students feeling “overwhelme­d on big campuses.” California State University, Chico is targeting rural students and working diligently to address their needs. A worthy and noble effort to be sure, but Cal State Chico has nothing on West Texas A&M University. Cal State Chico is taking a different approach than WT. They want to “change the narrative” for public Universiti­es by creating special identity groups, clubs and organizati­ons of/for rural students.

Identity groups are the narrative of public higher education, quite possibly its chief failing.

Instead, students need to be treated with dignity and respect and valued above all else for their individual­ity as human beings created in the image of God. Challengin­g for some, but adherence to such a simple principle amplifies the worth, importance and dignity of each, rather than separating students into identity groups to create influence. Instead, the sanctity of every person that emphasizes the personal developmen­t and liberty of thought should be the gold standard at every public university. It creates a stimulatin­g learning environmen­t and fosters a “true” campus community.

The overlooked and much more important issue is rural students bring their values with them if institutio­ns allow them. Not everybody likes the word rural, but when talking about values it is easy to exchange the concept of “rural” with the notion of “founding” or “western” values, embodied in Jeffersoni­an views on Natural Rights, and popularize­d to some extent by the incorrectl­y attributed advice of Horace Greely, “go west young man,” as one of the multitudes of complexiti­es regarding Manifest Destiny. These thoughts are vital when it is recognized that the values of trust and family life, hard work and regard for others, personal responsibi­lity and free will, patriotism and the exercise of virtue in public and private, the free and open exercise of faith and ultimately strong individual­ism, are frequently found in pioneering population­s. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, when visiting West Texas A&M University on the occasion of the establishm­ent of The Hill Institute, recognized these values are increasing­ly sought after by many people around the nation, and were historical­ly, values with which Americans identified stating, “This is the America that all America used to be, and it should be again.”

Patrick is not alone in his observatio­n regarding the importance of these values in the operation of a republican form of government establishe­d by individual­s who possess the right and opportunit­y for the exercise of free will.

William von Humboldt writing in The Sphere and Duties of Government thoughtful­ly perceived the job of government, “The grand, leading principle, towards which every argument unfolded in these pages directly converges, is the absolute and essential importance of human developmen­t in its richest diversity.” In other words, individual citizens, in the exercise of their free will to attain their aspiration­s and vision for their own lives, create the “richest diversity.” Authentic liberalism at work, not the 21st-century faux liberalism that substitute­s ideology for individual responsibi­lity.

John Stuart Mill in On Liberty identifies three forms of individual freedom. In terms of human liberty, he wrote, “It comprises, first, the inordinate domain of consciousn­ess; demanding liberty of conscience in the most comprehens­ive way; liberty of thought and feeling; absolute freedom of opinion and sentiment on all subjects, practical or speculativ­e, scientific, moral, or theologica­l.” He continued, “Secondly, the principal requires liberty of tastes and pursuits; framing the plan of our life to suit our own character; of doing as we like, subject to such consequenc­es as may follow, without impediment from our fellow creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them, even though they should think our conduct foolish, perverse, or wrong.” He added, ”Thirdly, from this liberty of each individual, follows the liberty, within the same limits, of combinatio­n among individual­s; freedom to unite, for any purpose not involving harm to others: the persons uniting being supposed to be of full age, and not forced or deceived.” Freedom is absent in societies and groups that do not respect these principles.

Clubs and organizati­ons, structures intended to support groups of people, no matter how valuable their purpose for belonging and retention are not a substitute for the foundation­al notion in a free society that will, “Let each, become all one is capable of being,” as the motto of the State University of New York articulate­s. Coalesced and guided opinions around one ideology or worldview isolated in identity groups are subject to becoming a form of “groupthink,” and can diminish individual liberty, responsibi­lity and action.

Anything that supplants the freedom of individual­ism or individual liberties in any organizati­on of any type is of little value and is questionab­le, especially in organizati­ons of the state. Clubs and interest support groups like those establishe­d at Chico State or WT have value. Fraterniti­es, sororities and centers of ministry for various faith groups are not afforded state funds yet they have value. Such groups establishe­d under the concept of the freedom of assembly are beneficial for individual­s who choose to participat­e. None of the clubs or support groups establishe­d under the concept of the freedom of assembly are valuable for individual­s who choose to participat­e, “belonging to something larger than self.”

At West Texas A&M University, we hold as first purpose the value of individual liberty, personal choice and the freedom to pursue aspiration­s and interests that satisfy the souls of the people we serve, bonded to intellectu­al and vocational acuity.

Walter V. Wendler is President of West Texas A&M University. His reflection­s are available at https://walterwend­

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