Borger News-Herald

Slim Randles: Home Country


Wellsir … ol’ Dud did ‘er again, he shore ‘nuf did. This here’s Alphonse Wilson, known around these parts as Windy Wilson, esquire, LTD and DDT at your service as always. Free to you and worth every blessed dime.

See … t’other day I got into a little chat with Dud Campbell, and he says to me that I need to get me one a-them computers so I can be moderate like ever’body else. Had the nerve to just come out and say that!

Well, friend, that’s when I made a big mistake. I asked him what I needed to get the ol’ ball rolling and I should’ve shut ‘er down right then. Yessir, your ol’ pal Alphonse occasional makes mistakes.

Now you can dip my hat in sheep dip and paint Mary Lou’s name on the barn with it if he didn’t obsolete hisself right into a foreign language!

Didn’t have nothin’ to write with, so here’s what he said, near as I recollect:

I need a cloud, he said. A cloud stores stuff. Well … shore it does! It stores rain!

But he said no, a cloud isn’t in the computer, but floats around somewhere and you get to it by buying an app.

Wellsir, I ‘splained to Dud that apps are okay, but I’ve always pressurize­d my priorities ‘long Quarter horse lines. Told him them spots don’t make the horse go any faster. He started wavin’ his arms then, and said I get these apps with a mouse.

And he ‘spects me to believe that?!


Had a app oncet. Nice big ol’ Appaloosa he was, too. But ugly? I was tellin’

Dud about him. Them apps today are pretty horses, but back when I was younger, they all looked like they needed to pull manure carts. It’s a fact.

Why this old pony I had … I hate to admit this … but his ol’ head was the size of a door, and you could stick his butt in a bottle!

So I think I’ll mebbe just use the computer down at the library for a while.

Nice girl down there helps me out with it.

And you can tell ‘em I said so!

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