

- —Kevin Falvey

According to federal regulation­s (33 CFR 183.505), marine carburetor­s and fuel-injection systems must have a ame arrester installed to prevent a back re from igniting fuel vapor in the engine compartmen­t. If the air-induction system is itself a ame arrester, or if a back re would be directed outside the boat, then the ame arrester is not required. Some fuel-injection systems and ram air-induction systems meet this last part. Others don’t. If you are worried about the engine getting enough ltered air, there are ame arresters on the market that also act as lters. Produced in consultati­on with the experts at Hardin Marine, read on to nd out what to look for when buying a marine ame arrester for your gasoline inboard, sterndrive or jet boat.


Flame arresters used to require US Coast Guard approval, but since 1991, units with approval from the Society of American Engineers (SAE J-1928), Underwrite­rs Laboratori­es (UL 1111) or Coast Guard, and marked as such, are considered safe for use aboard your boat.

CIRCUMFERE­NCE A larger ame arrester can allow greater air ow, and thus better engine performanc­e and economy. Check to see if there is clearance around the current arrester’s circumfere­nce. Premium suppliers such as Hardin Marine o™er OEM-style ame arresters in large sizes.

HEIGHT As stated, a larger arrester can provide better ltration and air ow, and thus enhanced performanc­e and economy. Check for clearance with the engine hatch above the arrester to see if a taller model will t.

VENTS Some ame arresters are tted with vents from the fuel pump or valve cover. If vent lines connect to your boat engine’s ame arrester, measure the inside diameter of the vent line. You might need to order an adapter kit to mate the vent hose to the arrester. is might require trimming to t.

CARB DIAMETER If you are running a carbureted engine, measure the diameter of the carburetor’s air inlet ange to order the correct-size ame arrester. Got twin carbs? Measure to get the center-to-center dimension and then check that two arresters of a given diameter will t. Dual ame arresters are available from sources such as Hardin Marine, CP Performanc­e, K&N and other brands.

AESTHETICS Marine ame arresters sit right atop the engine and are o¢en chromed or gleaming metal. Suppliers can o¢en anodize, powder-coat, color-match or add logos to

ame arresters to coordinate with the make and colorway of the engine(s) or boat.

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 ?? ?? Backfire is an explosion of prematurel­y ignited fuel or unburned exhaust gas in an internal combustion engine.
Backfire is an explosion of prematurel­y ignited fuel or unburned exhaust gas in an internal combustion engine.

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