Big Spring Herald Weekend

Operation Love Letter has launched in Big Spring

More than 30 drop off locations throughout community


Operation Love Letter has officially launched.

Buckets have been decorated and placed around town, with more than 30 locations. Letter writing can begin and deliveries will be made to local facilities about every two weeks, depending on the amount of letters that are submitted.

“After praying for various months and hearing the news about how much Covid-19 has impacted our elderly and the disabled throughout our nursing homes, retirement homes, veteran homes and group homes, I wanted to do something special for them,” Jay Flores, organizer and founder of Operation Love Letter, said.

Area churches, schools, businesses and some families have taken on the project of decorating buckets to be placed throughout the community, in an effort to get the project started. This past week, several of the buckets were placed and began accepting letters. Every couple of weeks Flores will go around and gather up the letters, with the first drop off scheduled for around Thanksgivi­ng.

“This project will only succeed if we unify; together we can make a different in these people’s lives. One scripture that struck a cord for this project is Matthew 25:40 - ‘The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me,’” Flores said. “This is one of the ways we can unify together as a community and honestly, what better time than now to do that.”

Community members are encouraged to write a short note just to let those in local nursing facilities or veterans homes that they are not forgotten. When addressing the letters, Flores advises that it simply start with Dear Friend. All letters will be divided amongst the facilities in town and in order to ensure all residents are able to receive letters names are not attached to the letters when they are being written.

“We have all been impacted by this horrible virus, but the elderly and disabled have been isolated and tend to remain indoors because of they’re

immunocomp­rimised and are in need of more protection. This project is an effort to do something special for them and bridge that lack of connection with the community that has occurred with the limited visitation­s to facilities,” he said. “So, I have come up with this idea to return hope, love, and joy back into their lives with a simple note. This is a community effort and it will take all of us to spread this blessing.”

To find out more or to reach out to Flores and offer more support, visit the Operation Love Letters Facebook page.

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