The Saline Courier Weekend

Harris defends shifting from some liberal positions in first interview of presidenti­al campaign



Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday defended shifting away from some of her more liberal positions in her first major television interview of her presidenti­al campaign, but insisted her “values have not changed” even as she is “seeking consensus.”

Sitting with her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris was asked specifical­ly about her reversals on banning fracking and decriminal­izing illegal border crossings, positions she took during her last run for president. She confirmed she does not want to ban fracking, an energy extraction process key to the economy of swing-state Pennsylvan­ia, and said there “should be consequenc­e” for people who cross the border without permission.

“I think the most important and most significan­t aspect of my policy perspectiv­e and decisions is my values have not changed,” Harris said.

She went on to say: “I believe it is important to build consensus. It is important to find a common place of understand­ing where we can actually solve the problem.”

The interview with CNN’S Dana Bash came as voters are still trying to learn more about the Democratic ticket in an unusually compressed time frame. President Joe Biden ended his reelection bid just five weeks ago. The interview focused largely on policy, as Harris sought to show that she had adopted more moderate positions on issues that Republican­s argue are extreme, while Walz defended past misstateme­nts about his biography.

Harris hadn’t done an in-depth interview since she became her party’s standard-bearer five weeks ago, though she did sit for several while she was still Biden’s running mate.

She said serving with

Biden was “one of the greatest honors of my career,” and she recounted the moment he called to tell her he was stepping down and would support her.

“He told me what he had decided to do and ... I asked him, ‘Are you sure?’ and he said, ‘Yes,’ and that’s how I learned about it.”

She said she didn’t ask Biden to endorse her because “he was very clear that he was going to endorse me.”

Harris defended the administra­tion’s record on the southern border and immigratio­n, noting that she was tasked with trying to address the “root causes” in other countries that were driving the border crossings.

Asked about Israel’s war in Gaza after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Harris said, “I am unequivoca­l and unwavering in my commitment to Israel’s defense and its ability to defend itself.”

But the vice president also reiterated what she’s said for months, that civilian deaths are too high amid the Israeli offensive.

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