Baltimore Sun

Celebrate Md.’s history by making state better

- — John A. Micklos, Essex

Throughout the years, The Baltimore Sun has reminded us of the importance of working even in some small way to make our state a better place for all.

Today, our state celebrates its 389th anniversar­y of the glorious first landing (1634) at what today is St. Mary’s County and the blessing of this land by Father Andrew White as a haven for those of various religions.

It should be noted that this was the site of the first Catholic Mass in what was to become the United States of America.

We, the citizens of Maryland, should observe this anniversar­y by reflecting on the history of this beautiful state. Further, we should honor our state’s 389th by striving to make our schools the best ever and to see to it that our young people have a compassion for the traditiona­l values of hard work, respect and love of our state and country (“Nearly a third of Baltimore County Public Schools are over capacity, frustratin­g parents, educators,” March 22).

Further, let us on this state’s anniversar­y eliminate drunk drivers from our state roads and allow the innocent to live. Let us work in some small way to eliminate poverty and human suffering and be able to accept a difference of opinion from all people.

Let us register and vote and try to be good citizens, not only at election time but all the time. Let us take time to work with our young people to eliminate the use of drugs and alcohol.

Finally, as The Sun has on numerous occasions, reminded us of the value for citizens to work and commit themselves, to help even in some small way to make Maryland a better state for all people.

If we can accomplish these things, future Marylander­s will remember us for all time’s sake.

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