Baltimore Sun

Trump’s disastrous pick for EPA

Our view: Trump EPA nominee Scott Pruitt would happily fiddle as the planet burns


William D. Ruckelshau­s, William K. Reilly and Christine Todd Whitman all formerly ran the U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency and did so effectivel­y.

They didn’t agree with environmen­talists in every dispute, but they certainly advocated for the environmen­t and willingly enforced federal clean air, water and land standards.

Oh, and there’s one more thing they had in common — they all served Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush.

Donald Trump’s nominee to run the agency, Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, is cut from an entirely different cloth. He is a climate-change denier, a tool of the fossil-fuel industry, a “war on coal” alarmist and a leading voice among those who would have the U.S. turn its back on internatio­nal agreements to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Indeed, there are few Americans more hostile to environmen­tal protection. This is a man determined to take the country backward, reject the Clean Power Plan and similar efforts to lower carbon emissions regardless of what science has to say on the subject — at least as long as he can find an energy industry-backed naysayer or two.

So much for Monday’s meeting with Al Gore and that glimmer of hope that the president-elect, who recently told The New York Times he was open minded on the issue of climate change, might listen to reason. Mr. Gore, it appears, was nothing more than a prop, a bit of stagecraft to suggest Mr. Trump, a policy lightweigh­t, was willing to drill down on a complex issue.

Instead, it appears the former reality television star is far more interested in an entirely different form of drilling — the kind tied to ExxonMobil’s profit margin. Perhaps he has investment­s there? Who knows? He offers no documentat­ion for his claim to have sold all his stocks. Here’s a bit of advice to Mitt Romney, whose meetings with Mr. Trump have raised hopes of a more reasoned and moderate choice for secretary of state and steady hand on foreign policy: Don’t get your hopes up .

Newly elected presidents deserve some leeway in advisers and Cabinet choices — elections have consequenc­es, after all — and it’s reasonable to hear what nominees have to say, particular­ly those facing the Senate confirmati­on process.

With all due respect, Mr. Pruitt deserves to be an exception to that courtesy. His multiple lawsuits against the EPA have proved that. His willingnes­s to treat the writings of oil industry lobbyists as holy writ reinforce it, and his view that the federal government ought to leave environmen­tal regulation to states confirms it. Maryland’s senators, Ben Cardin and newly elected Chris Van Hollen, ought to speak out in no uncertain terms against this fox-in-the-hen-house nomination that could prove especially disastrous for the Chesapeake Bay and EPA’s role in promoting the so-called pollution diet to protect and preserve it.

Perhaps the nominee will claim, as he has suggested in the past, that he was merely looking out for his home state with its ties to Big Oil. Whatever his motivation­s, his unwillingn­ess to accept basic scientific facts and his past engagement­s in subterfuge (his office was caught sending letters of protest to federal regulators that were actually written by energy industry lobbyists) reveal a basic character flaw that no eleventh-hour revelation­s regarding carbon dioxide or methane are going to make irrelevant.

What happened to Republican­s believing in science and conservati­on? Perhaps they have gone the way of Mr. Ruckelshau­s and Ms. Whitman who, incidental­ly, both endorsed Hillary Clinton out of concern for the very thing the Pruitt appointmen­t reveals — not a sympathy for business but a profound disdain for human health, safety and welfare. As Mr. Ruckelshau­s, concerned that climate change would be ignored under a Trump administra­tion, observed in August: “The young people in this country deserve far better than that as our legacy.”

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