Baltimore Sun


- 21-April 19 20-May 20 21-June 20 21-July 22 23-Aug. 22 23-Sept. 22 23-Oct. 22 23-Nov. 21 22-Dec. 21 22-Jan. 19 Jan. 20-Feb. 18 19-March 20 — Tribune Media Services

Hold your horses. A frank disclosure or a juicy bit of informatio­n may have you ready to act quickly. Make sure that the data is accurate first. Take extra time to finish current projects.

They can fool some of the people some of the time, but they can’t fool you. You can easily tell when someone is insincere. Trust your judgment to know when someone is feeding you a line.

Second place earns a medal too. There’s no need to feel inadequate just because someone’s successes or abilities surpass your own. Be patient with romantic partners who seem confused.

A penny saved is a penny earned. Others may have definite ideas of how you should spend your money, but fortunatel­y this is not their decision to make. Don’t just settle for what is available.

Don’t try to beat the buzzer. Trying to quickly seal a deal or finish a project at the last minute may leave you feeling dissatisfi­ed. Don’t go overboard or fill up your schedule with unnecessar­y activities.

Roll with the punches. Words may be designed to undermine your confidence when in fact you have much to be confident about. Hang with trusted friends, as new faces may lead you into uncharted territory.

Don’t sell yourself short. You may be so in love with the idea of being in love that you settle for someone less than ideal. Take your time in romantic pursuits, as a long-lasting relationsh­ip will not come about in an evening.

The lesser of two evils is still evil. When all the choices seem less than appealing, don’t make any choice at all. You may be better off just enjoying yourself with friends than looking for love.

Give it some time. A difficult problem may have you perplexed, but if you leave it alone for a day or two, the situation may change or you could gain a fresh perspectiv­e and solve it.

Even if it seems too good to be true, it might be true. Let your inner optimist take the reins when it comes to offers, opportunit­ies or promises. Sometimes people are generous and fair and honest.

It’s not whether you win or lose; it is how you play the game. Being right is wrong if you act unfairly or unethicall­y to achieve your ends. Embellishi­ng the truth won’t win you any allies.

Not all ideas are good ones. A notion may be impractica­l or short-sighted and acting upon it will only waste your time. You shouldn’t feel envious when someone applauds their own achievemen­ts. Luck is on your side during the coming three to four weeks. People will be more than willing to perform favors and if an opportunit­y for advancemen­t comes your way it could lead to bigger and better ways. Between mid-October and mid-January your most attractive qualities are in full flower. This is a good time to begin a newromance, find the person of your dreams or to go after a better job and make a major commitment. Use your charisma to impress people who could enrich your life.

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