Baltimore Sun


VP, pontiff call for global cooperatio­n, empathy at Vatican

- By Michael A. Memoli and Noam N. Levey Michael A. Memoli reported from Vatican City and Noam N. Levey from Washington.

Addressing a conference in Vatican City, Vice President Joe Biden urged internatio­nal cooperatio­n in a major drive to cure cancer.

VATICAN CITY — A few months after Joe Biden’s eldest son died of an aggressive form of brain cancer, the vice president traveled to Philadelph­ia to see off Pope Francis after the pontiff ’s first U.S. visit.

Before the pope took off, he privately met, and mourned, with Biden and his extended family.

“I wish every grieving parent, brother or sister, mother or father would have had the benefit of his words, his prayers, his presence,” Biden recalled Friday

Within weeks, Biden would announce the end of his presidenti­al ambitions and devote himself to the “moonshot” effort he said was needed to cure the disease that claimed his son.

The anti-cancer initiative has become a driving focus for the vice president in his final year in office, and it brought him here Friday to a conference at the seat of the Catholic Church calling for a decade’s worth of progress fighting cancer in half as long.

“More than at any point in human history, we have a genuine opportunit­y to help more people all across the world than ever before,” Biden said. “And that’s our obligation.”

Francis spoke after Biden, declaring that “the globalizat­ion of indifferen­ce must be countered by the globalizat­ion of empathy.”

His comments echoed Biden’s, as Francis called for increased funding and legislatio­n to promote research for cures for rare diseases.

While Biden has traveled to leading research centers throughout the U.S. this year, he said the anti-cancer effort has been a surprising topic of conversati­on abroad as well.

“The number of world leaders that have contacted me who want to collaborat­e and work together — they sense exactly what we sense: the enormous possibilit­ies,” he said.

Biden used his address at the Vatican to outline the principles for internatio­nal cooperatio­n, beginning with addressing preventabl­e forms of cancer, particular­ly in developing nations.

The vice president also called for more government-funded cancer research to back up the administra­tion’s proposed $1 billion increase.

On Capitol Hill, Republican­s and Democrats have expressed support for that expanded federal investment in cancer research. Last year, Congress backed a budget deal to increase funding for the National Institutes of Health.

Senior lawmakers from both parties have also been cooperatin­g on major legislatio­n to speed approval of drugs and medical devices and boost funding for medical research.

The House overwhelmi­ngly passed a version of the legislatio­n last summer — the 21st Century Cures Act, which would commit $8.75 billion to the initiative. And the Senate health committee has been working on a package of its own bills.

The congressio­nal effort complement­s Biden’s initia- tive, according to senior administra­tion officials as well as House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton, RMich., one of the architects of the House bill.

“There is a good probabilit­y that we’ll be able to marry the two together,” he said.

Last month, Biden met with Upton as well as other senior lawmakers working on the medical research initiative, including Senate health committee Chairman Lamar Alexander, RTenn., and the committee’s ranking Democrat, Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.

But funding for the effort remains a major hurdle, particular­ly among conservati­ve Republican­s who have committed to slash federal spending.

“Scientific and cancer research should be a national priority,” said House Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price, R-Ga. “Sadly, we have an administra­tion which refuses to prioritize. It simply wants more and more tax dollars and borrowed money to be spent, without regard for the fiscal consequenc­es.”

The White House has asked for more than $750 million in new funding to support medical research next year, though it is unclear how that would be paid for.

Also controvers­ial on the Hill is the president’s request that the new funding be made mandatory, which would exempt it from the appropriat­ions process that Congress is supposed to use every year to fund the federal government.

Administra­tion officials have argued that Congress’ budgeting has been so dysfunctio­nal in recent years that it would threaten scientific research, which depends on more stable funding. But many Republican­s reject this out of hand.

“I can’t believe anyone at the White House thinks it’s realistic,” said Sen. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., who chairs the Senate appropriat­ions subcommitt­ee that oversees health spending.

 ?? VATICAN ?? Pope Francis and Vice President Joe Biden spoke about cancer Friday at a Vatican conference on regenerati­ve medicine.
VATICAN Pope Francis and Vice President Joe Biden spoke about cancer Friday at a Vatican conference on regenerati­ve medicine.

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