Baltimore Sun Sunday


Travels inspired by storybook characters


By Jae-Ha Kim

Filmmaker Chris Robert Riegel has a lot to say about his upcoming indie film “Expectatio­ns.”

“I was actually orphaned at a very young age, just like most of the characters in both the source material of ‘Great Expectatio­ns’ and also our cheeky comedic companion piece of a film, ‘Expectatio­ns,’ ” he said. “Going through adolescenc­e (and) knowing you don’t have a convention­al background can have an effect on a sense of self or identity. But I’ve found with my own circumstan­ces, the start of the journey is something none of us can control. How we go about it and the things we do along the way, that’s where we can find real meaning. That’s also the case for the characters of Dickens, and certainly where we pick up these characters in this film.”

Riegel splits his time between California,

Florida and England. Readers can find him on Instagram (@chrisrob3r­t).

This interview with Riegel has been edited for clarity and length.

Q: Did you travel much when you were younger? A: I was able to travel quite a bit before I was 18. For me, I always saw it as an adventure. All of the great protagonis­ts from all the stories I read when I was younger traveled. For me, I guess that was an inspiratio­n. So I made it my mission to take in as much as I could, wherever it was that I went. I think it’s because of that silver lining that I feel so inspired to write about so many different cultures and nationalit­ies today as an adult.

Q: Where are some of the places you filmed on location?

A: Some films we’ve done with my company have taken us to places that I’ve gotten to visit for the first time, like Amsterdam for “Kill Switch” and Berlin for “Stowaway.” But it’s the ones that have locations that are so plot-centric that make the pairing of the host town and filming location so unique. There was a film I co-produced called “Lost in the Sun” with the fantastic Josh Duhamel, which was shot in Austin, Texas. You’ll find that city is so ingrained in the look, feel and vibrance of the narrative that it just feels like the film couldn’t have been made anywhere else. The same is true with “The Big Wedding” starring Robert De Niro. We shot that in Greenwich, Connecticu­t. I will say that Canada was especially a terrific home for “Expectatio­ns.” Between the uniqueness of the architectu­re and the wonder of the winter, it made every frame of the film extra special.

Q: What is your favorite vacation destinatio­n? A: My wife (actor Annie Q. Riegel) and I can never resist a visit to Hawaii.

Oahu has always been our favorite, whether it’s on the eastern or northern shore. We try to sneak away there whenever I finish a film, or she finishes a season of television.

Q: What untapped destinatio­n should people know about?

A: There’s a lovely island off the coast of Queensland, Australia, called Moreton Island. You’ll find an amazing resort there called Tangalooma. For anyone interested in aquatics, this place is hard to beat. Not only is it maybe the greatest place I’ve ever seen for scuba and snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef, but it also features wild dolphins that swim up to shore. Don’t get too comfortabl­e with them, though. They’re wild, after all!

Q: What is your best and/or worst vacation memory?

A: My best vacation memory is swimming in formation with sea turtles at Hanauma Bay, Oahu. I can’t express how awesome it was to get caught in a drift beneath the water and be connected with so much natural wonder beneath the surface of the sea.

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 ?? CHRIS KNIGHT ?? Chris Robert Riegel says one of his favorite vacation memories is swimming with sea turtles in Hawaii.
CHRIS KNIGHT Chris Robert Riegel says one of his favorite vacation memories is swimming with sea turtles in Hawaii.

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