Baltimore Sun Sunday

Let’s find the money to fix schools


Much has been written and discussed the last several days regarding the situation in the Baltimore City Public Schools (“School repair funds sought,” Jan. 6). While there has been finger pointing all over the place and more than enough blame to go around, our students and their families continue to operate in unacceptab­le conditions. Former U.S. Secretary Arne Duncan asks, “Why so often in America do we allow the children who need the most to get the least?” I would only add that this seems to occur most frequently in urban areas, with Baltimore being a prime example. The blame shared, then, can be placed on all levels of our society — federal, state and local. Each should and must do more.

Why at all levels of government can we find money for those things we support? Whether at the national level with tax breaks to the rich or the state level with economic incentives for developmen­t and new roads? Or at the local level with substantia­l subsidies to Harbor East projects, Under Armour in Port Covington and promises to break the bank for Amazon — all worthy endeavors but more important than educating of our neediest citizens?

A new approach and commitment is required from all of us, in and out of government. I look forward to joining my colleagues in the upcoming days of the Maryland General Assembly to exorcise this cancer and not put a Band-Aid on it.

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