Austin American-Statesman

Stop worrying about AI and start paying attention more often

- Your Turn

Stop worrying so much about artificial intelligen­ce. The dangers it poses are not new ones, just more intense versions of old ones. We have been dealing with new technologi­es since the beginning of the human experiment. Let’s look at one of the most important things we do, which has been endangered by technology for a long time – paying attention to each other.

Paying attention requires effort. Looking away is easier, but then we become isolated and lonely. That’s where we are now, through no fault of artificial intelligen­ce – looking away from each other. Current technology gave us the cellphone, a device that tempts us into private worlds. No wonder loneliness and depression are on the rise.

We used to pay a lot of attention to each other in a theater or in church. In Shakespear­e’s day the audience was outside and fully illuminate­d. Actors had to pay attention to the audience if they wanted their attention in return. But within a generation after Shakespear­e, theater went indoors and put the audience in partial darkness. That made it harder to pay attention.

I have a soft musical instrument called a recorder. Suppose I play a Bach chorale at the request of the audience. The room is well lighted, but I cannot hold the audience’s attention past the first line. One member feels he must open his cellphone to check a meeting time. Another, seeing this, will remember she has to respond to a text message from a friend. If she can use her phone, others feel that they can do the same. Cellphones open all around. How can my performanc­e of Bach compete?

As they turn to their phones, they isolate themselves not only from me but from one another. They fail to connect with one another through sharing the pleasure of a concert. But they are human, and they need to connect. The best way to connect is to pay attention to one another. Theater gives people a good opportunit­y for paying attention. So does church.

We are losing these opportunit­ies. Theater attendance will probably be down by 50% next year, according to Washington Post columnist Peter Marks. He starts out with this alarming fact: “Theater is in free fall, and the pandemic isn’t the only thing to blame.” The main culprit, I believe, is the technology that invites us to stream our entertainm­ent in the privacy of our homes. Church attendance also is in rapid decline. Concerts are giving way to private headphones, movies to home TVs. Formal theater thrives only in a few centers such as New York and Chicago.

Still, we know how to get people’s attention when we need it. I have had many years’ experience in classrooms. I rarely lecture for more than about 10 minutes, which is a normal attention span. After that, minds start to wander. So, after 10 minutes I divide students into small groups and give them questions to answer for a grade they will share. I monitor groups to make sure that students are paying attention to one another. That’s more valuable than merely paying attention to me. I have seen many friendship­s form in these groups, and one recent marriage. My method works as well online as in person.

Artificial intelligen­ce will probably make old dangers worse. But we know how to counter the old dangers. We need not cave in to them. Over many generation­s we have had to learn how to attract and maintain attention. Our history on this should be a comfort. Let’s revive our old ways of paying attention and find some new ones. Then we will know what to do when artificial intelligen­ce makes the old problems more intense.

Woodruff is a professor of philosophy at the University of Texas. His latest book is “Surviving Technology.”

 ?? HANDOUT/NYT ?? Before mobile phones, we paid more attention to each other, Paul Woodruff writes.
HANDOUT/NYT Before mobile phones, we paid more attention to each other, Paul Woodruff writes.

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