Austin American-Statesman

'How To Be Single' lot more intelligen­t than expexted

This fifilm has a lot more going for it than just being a chick flick.

- By Rick Bentley

“How To Be Single” is an example of the dangerous pitfalls of judging a movie based only on the cast list, movie poster and early trailers. Going strictly by those elements, “How to Be Single” looks a chick flick that relies heavily on bawdy material to generate laughs.

This kind of assumption comes from the casting of Rebel Wilson, who tends to play comedy so over-the-top that the jokes often die from lack of oxygen. The posters make it look like this is little more than a big-screen version of Wilson’s failed TV series, “Super Fun Night.”

Then there’s Dakota Johnson, who showed all the appeal of a cactus enema in the super dull night movie “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Toss in the hit-andmiss work of Leslie Mann and the mousy nature of Alison Brie, and the signs pointed to a disaster.

“How to Be Single” actually is a smart, fun and sweet movie.

It delivers its comments about relationsh­ips in such a full and inclusive manner that males will be pulled into the intertwine­d stories.

It starts with Alice ( Johnson), a law fifirm employee who is coming out of a failed relationsh­ip. Her best friend, Robin (Wilson), decides to help her navigate the choppy waters of dating. The efffffffff­ffforts don’t always work as Robin speeds through life.

Alice is also dealing with her single sister, Meg (Mann), whose relationsh­ip with a younger man leads to a pregnancy.

The last piece of the puzzle is Lucy (Brie), a woman using logic, statistics and strategy to fifind the right mate. This intellectu­al approach keeps her from seeing the people around her who might really care for her.

Credit director Christian Ditter and writers Abby Kohn, Marc Silverstei­n and Dana Fox with keeping this fifilm at such a high level. There are plenty of humorous moments, but instead of just relying on the lowest common factors, each joke is a smart commentary on life and love.

This works because Ditter gets the best performanc­e out of Johnson of her young career. She’s as comfortabl­e with the humor as she is with the deeper emotions. It’s easy to see this complicate­d dating world through her eyes because she comes across so real and genuine.

The biggest shock is Wilson. Generally, her performanc­e is so manic that she quickly becomes a distractio­n rather than a comic asset. Ditter mixes her in at just the right moment to slam-dunk a joke and then move on. There’s no feeling that she’s trying to milk the life out of a funny twist.

Mann’s job is to anchor the story as the more mature member of the group. It’s refreshing that her storyline about an older woman and a younger man isn’t played as some type of sleazy sex play. These are two complicate­d people who never have to resort to overused sex jokes.

Movies that tend to focus on one sex often treat those from the other sex as little more than props. “How to Be Single” is an equal-opportunit­y

fifilm where the male characters are presented with depth. The best example is the single father played by Damon Wayans Jr. His character is dealing with a lot of emotional baggage when it comes to his daughter, and that adds another level to the story.

Movies that tend to focus on one sex often treat those from the other sex as little more than props. “How To Be Single” is an equaloppor­tunity film where the male characters are presented with depth.

 ?? JOJO WHILDEN / WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINM­ENT ?? Alison Brie (left) and Anders Holm star in“How To Be Single.”
JOJO WHILDEN / WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINM­ENT Alison Brie (left) and Anders Holm star in“How To Be Single.”
 ?? BARRY WETCHER / WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINM­ENT ?? Dakota Johnson (left) and Rebel Wilson star in“How To Be Single.”
BARRY WETCHER / WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINM­ENT Dakota Johnson (left) and Rebel Wilson star in“How To Be Single.”
BARRY WETCHER / WARNER ?? Leslie Mann plays an older woman in a relationsh­ip with a younger man in“How To Be Single.”
BROS. ENTERTAINM­ENT BARRY WETCHER / WARNER Leslie Mann plays an older woman in a relationsh­ip with a younger man in“How To Be Single.”

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