Austin American-Statesman

Faces off the field

Gus Bates, senior catcher, San Marcos


What’s your favorite memory of playing baseball for San Marcos?

Sweeping McCallum for the bidistrict championsh­ip last season.

What do you remember about the first time you played organized baseball?

It was when I played baseball with the San Marcos Little League when I was 9. To this day, I can remember picking up the bat for the first time and thinking this is the greatest thing ever.

Which of your high school classes will benefit you the most after you graduate?

My baseball class has been the most beneficial. It has taught me hard work, perseveran­ce, patience, teamwork, leadership, how to follow directions, brotherhoo­d and many other intangible things.

If you had the choice of being valedictor­ian of your class or allstate in baseball, which would you choose?

I would choose all-state in baseball in a heartbeat. While valedictor­ian would be a huge personal individual achievemen­t, to be part of something bigger than myself — the team that brings the state baseball title to San Marcos High School — would be incredible.

If you could have dinner with any four people in the history of the world, whom would you invite?

Willie Mays, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron and Jackie Robinson.

Why Jackie Robinson?

He was one of the most courageous men in sports. To break the color barrier in baseball was no easy feat. The pushback, threats and taunts he received in the 1940s and ’50s were unreal. To be able to pick the brain of such a strong baseball player and person would be eye-opening.

What do you consider to be the world’s greatest invention?

Some might say penicillin or the World Wide Web, but I think the ball — of course a very biased opinion — is the greatest invention. It has to do with all the cultural and social implicatio­ns it holds and how it can bring people of all cultures together.

What are your college plans?

I hope to play ball in college. I have been talking to some coaches, but nothing is set in stone yet, and I am open to all opportunit­ies, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

What’s the best vacation you’ve ever taken?

My favorite vacation must have been when I traveled with my family to Apex in British Columbia a few years ago to spend Christmas with my extended family. We had skiing on pristine powder and stayed in a beautiful cabin in the mountains.

Do you have any pregame rituals?

Yes, I have rituals. Most baseball players I know do, but we never divulge them. That would nullify their power.


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