Austin American-Statesman

Drug Companies Fear Release of the New AloeCure

Big Pharma stands to lose billions as doctors’ recommend drug-free “health cocktail” that adjusts and corrects your body’s health conditions.

- by David Waxman Seattle Washington:

Drug company execs are nervous. That’s because the greatest health advance in decades has hit the streets. And analysts expect it to put a huge crimp in “Big Pharma” profits.

So what’s all the fuss about? It’s about a new “health enhancing cocktail” that’s changing the lives of millions who use it. Some doctors call it “the greatest discovery since penicillin”! And their patients call it “a miracle!”

The name of the product is the AloeCure. And since it’s completely drug-free; the product is available to anyone who wants it, at a reasonable price. But it won’t stay like that forever. Not if Big Pharma has its way.


CRIPPLE YOU! Company spokespers­on, Dr. Liza Leal; a leading integrativ­e health specialist out of

Texas recommends an AloeCure health cocktail before she prescribes any digestion drug. Especially after the FDA’s stern warning about longterm use of drugs like

Prilosec®, Nexium®, and Prevacid®. In a nutshell, the FDA statement warned people should avoid taking digestion drugs for longer than 14-days; you risk spine and hip damage. Most people take them for decades.”

Dr. Leal should know. Many patients come to her with bone and joint complaints and she does everything she can to help them. One way for digestion sufferers to help avoid possible risk of tragic joint and bone problems caused by overuse of digestion drugs; is to take the AloeCure.

The secret to the AloeCure’s “health adjusting” formula is

aloe vera. But not the same aloe vera that mom used to apply to your cuts, scrapes and bruises. This revolution­ary strain of aloe is grown in special Asian soil; under very strict conditions. And despite its surprising­ly pleasant taste, the AloeCure is so powerful it begins to benefit your health the instant you drink it. It soothes intestinal discomfort and avoids the possibilit­y of bone and health damage caused by overuse of digestion drugs. Much like aloe does externally on cuts bruises. and abrasions. Studies show aloe has dozens of health applicatio­ns…


According to a leading aloe research scientist, the amazing plant compounds in Aloe have a powerful anti-inflammato­ry effect. Inflammati­on is your body’s first reaction to damage. So whether it’s damage that is physical, bacterial, chemical or auto-immune; the natural plant compounds in aloe helps soothe inflammati­on— rapidly reducing redness, heat and swelling . RAPID ACID AND HEARTBURN FIX

At first, Aloe proved to have an astonishin­g effect on users who suffer with digestion problems like occasional acid reflux, heartburn, cramping, gas and constipati­on. But new studies prove it does a whole lot more.


So you've been taking proton pump inhibitors for years and you feel just fine. A 2015 medical study showed long-term use of digestion meds may be a leading cause of heart damage. Getting off those meds and drinking the AloeCure daily, helps you support a healthy heart. UNLEASH YOUR


Think about it. If you kept dumping fat and grease down your drain; how long do you think it would take to clog it up? The answer is, not very long at all. And that’s exactly what happens to your brain every time you eat processed, fried or fatty foods. Studies show that your brain needs the healthy bacteria from your gut in order function at its best. Both low and high dosages of digestion drugs are proven to destroy that healthy bacteria and get in the way of brain function. So you’re left with a sluggish, slowto-react brain without a lot of room to store informatio­n. AloeCure’s special formulatio­n actually makes your gut healthier; so healthy bacteria flows freely to your brain so you think better, faster and with a larger capacity for memory.

SLEEP LIKE A BABY A night without sleep really damages your

body. And continued lost sleep can lead to all sorts of health problems. But what you may not realize is the reason why you’re not sleeping. Some call it “Ghost Reflux”. A low-intensity form of acid reflux discomfort that quietly keeps you awake in the background. A couple of teaspoons of the AloeCure will help you sleep more soundly and comfortabl­y through the night. CELEBRITY HAIR,

SKIN & NAILS One of the Best-Kept Secrets in Hollywood.

Pills like Nexium and

Prevacid greatly reduce your body’s ability to absorb calcium. Aloe neutralize­s the pH levels in your blood so your body can absorb massive amounts of calcium. The result? Thicker, healthier looking hair… more youthful looking skin… And nails so strong they may never break again. OPTIMIZE YOUR LIVER

Your liver cleans out your blood and neutralize­s its toxins. Without it, your body would be overrun with deadly toxins and a frail immune system. Aloe helps neutralize and remove toxic acids from your bloodstrea­m. Studies suggest, if you started taking aloe today; you’d see a big difference in the way you feel, in no time at all.


The makers of AloeCure are excited to offer you a risk free

supply. So you can get it into your hands, (before the drug companies force it off the market). Take advantage of this special opportunit­y to try the AloeCure in your own home for a full 60 days. Don’t worry, it’s completely risk-free.

If you don’t see remarkable changes in your digestion, your body, and your overall health… Simply return it for a full refund less shipping and handling… No questions asked, ever! Just call

1-800-680-3010 to take advantage of this risk free offer before it’s too late. This offer is limited to readers of this newspaper.

Analysts expect the AloeCure to put a huge crimp in “Big Pharma”

profits. Doctors call it “The greatest health discovery

in decades!”

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