Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Labeling Arkansans


I, along with hundreds of Arkansans, men and women, Democrat and Republican, volunteere­d my time, my money and my energy to work to get the abortion amendment on the ballot in November. Over 101,000 Arkansans shared the same goal, by signing petitions across the state. Regardless of the outcome and whether or not the amendment will be on the ballot this year, many, many citizens of this state poured their collective hearts and souls into this effort.

To have Gov. Sarah Sanders respond to the initial rejection of the amendment by calling everyone involved in this movement “immoral and incompeten­t” is not only hurtful and hateful, but simply unfathomab­le to me. One can have legitimate difference­s of opinion on issues, but to name-call an entire group of people in your state, whom you were ostensibly elected to serve, is a prime example of the intoleranc­e for and dehumaniza­tion of people who hold different values from your own. Sadly, this attitude that respectful disagreeme­nt will not suffice, you must eviscerate your opponent to prevail, is pervasive in this state and in the country as a whole.

Governor Sanders, I am neither immoral nor incompeten­t. I am an Arkansan, born and raised. I am an attorney, a cradle-born Methodist who attends church every Sunday, and a wife, a mother, a sister and a friend. If supporting a woman’s right to choose makes me, in your mind, “immoral and incompeten­t,” then I will wear the label proudly. You, on the other hand, might want to consider how you label well-meaning Arkansans with whom you disagree.



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