Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Baltic nations exit Russia energy pact


VILNIUS, Lithuania — The electricit­y grid operators of the three Baltic countries on Tuesday officially notified Russia and Belarus that they will exit a 2001 agreement that has kept Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania connected to an electricit­y transmissi­on system controlled by Moscow.

The Baltic countries have already stopped buying electricit­y from Russia. And in a plan announced last year as part of moves to sever ties with Moscow following its invasion of Ukraine, they will shift their grid connection­s next February to the main continenta­l European energy network in a move to end reliance.

Utility operators Elering of Estonia, AST of Latvia and Litgrid of Lithuania said that the exit notice was signed in the Latvian capital of Riga on Tuesday. The joint agreement with Moscow and Minsk will end Feb. 7, and the Baltic systems will be disconnect­ed from the grid the next day.

“We will disconnect and dismantle the last physical connection­s with Russian and Belarusian grids,” Litgrid CEO Rokas Masiulis said, calling the move an “ambitious energy independen­ce project.”

The three former Soviet republics do not currently buy electricit­y from Russia, but remain physically connected to a grid in which the electricit­y frequency is controlled by Moscow under the 2001 BRELL agreement. The Baltic systems plan to synchroniz­e with the continenta­l European system on Feb. 9, 2025. Both systems use 50 Hz alternatin­g current.

“Synchroniz­ation with Continenta­l Europe Synchronou­s Area will allow for independen­t, stable and reliable frequency control of the Baltic states electricit­y grids and will increase energy security in the region,” Estonia’s grid operator Elering said.

Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland agreed with the European Union’s executive commission in 2019 to coordinate on connecting the Baltic nations to the EU’s power network by the end of 2025. However, Russia’s war in Ukraine led the Baltic countries to speed up the project.

The February 2025 date for the transition was a compromise. Lithuania wanted an energy exit as early as this year, citing Moscow’s unreliabil­ity and its aggression in Ukraine. Estonia resisted a quicker cutoff, saying it might experience blackouts if the transition happened too soon.

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